Saturday, February 8, 2014

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors: Blind Beauty

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As promised last week, it's time for a book change! Allow me to leave Dance for me, Princess from the Alpha's Claim Anthology to one side and introduce you to my Naughty Fairy Tale, Blind Beauty, book 2 in The Witches' Mischief Series, starring James Macintosh and Richard Brandywine. In today's snippet, meet James as he travels to his new home...

#SexySnippets and #8Sunday Sentences  

James Macintosh reined in his horse at the top of the hill, nothing around but green trees and the winding dirt road, slowly filling with snow. The bitter wind made his eyes water and he shrunk down into his big coat. His horse––Faith––snorted, clearly expressing her unhappiness. 

James, on the contrary, felt a strange sense of relief course through him. He was alone in the middle of nowhere, and he was glad. Raising his hand in silent farewell to everything he left behind, he veered his horse and continued down the path away from everyone. Here, amidst nature, there was no one to mock him for his looks. No one to gaze at him with disgust or feigned interest. 

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More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

Blind Beauty- Book 2 in The Witches' Mischief Series- Naughty Fairy Tale

 James Macintosh is hours away from  his new home. He is ready to start a  secluded life away from all the  rumors, insults and disgusted faces  concerning his appearance. However,  a meeting with a mysterious woman  and her child, mingled with a sudden  harsh snowstorm will set him down a  very different path than the one he  had originally envisioned. 

Richard Randywine is an accidental fugitive living with a band of rowdy thieves. A good man at heart, he has gotten used to hiding his emotions behind his strapping muscles and brute strength.  Yet, when the thieves ambush an unsuspecting rider, Richard is forced to drop his mask and step forward. 

Will both men be able to see what lies before them or will they be blind to the possibility of happiness?

Available at:

Evernight Publishing || || || Bookstrand || AllRomance Ebooks


  1. You've made me wonder what he looks like.

  2. I wonder what he looks like too! Nice one Elyzabeth :)

  3. An intriguing snippet :-)

  4. Wonderful eight. You've captured the scene, storm brewing, and then his disfigured face. I mourn for your hero and want learn what happens next.

  5. Such a vivid picture you paint, Elyzabeth! I could visualize it. Good 8 :) !

  6. What is wrong with his appearance? Very intriguing snippet.

  7. Love the "alone in the middle of nowhere" good feelings. A very vivid scene for me, could totally see it from your description. Excellent excerpt and I can't wait to read more.

  8. Great setting. I'm pulled right into the character's world and wondering why people might look at him with disgust.

  9. An intriguing snippet there.


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