Monday, September 9, 2013

#TnTConfidential Shehanne Moore, historical romance author

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Today I have the privilege of having a most wonderful author here with me. Who, you ask? Well, my fellow doodler and Weird Club member (if you don't know what I'm talking about check this out), historical romance author Shehanne Moore. 

*claps excitedly* She's graciously submitted herself to my inquisitive mind and answered a few questions. She's also brought with her two wonderful novels:His Judas Bride and The Unraveling of Lady Fury (I was chatting with Lady Fury herself, just last week). 

Now, without further ado, Shehanne! 

Welcome to In A Dream Beyond! This is your first visit and as such I must ask: When did you start writing and why? 

Ahhhhh!  An interrogation. Seriously freaked already. Firstly, I want to thank you for inviting me to your fabulous blog. It’s always an absolute pleasure meeting someone new to me on the circuit. I think I have written since I learned to read. And maybe I have done lots of jobs—some in writing, some not—I have never wanted to be anything else. Reading still takes me into another world, characters fascinate me. I guess I just wanted to make up some myself, give life to the ones I could see in my head. 

Where does the inspiration for your stories stem from? 

I’m very into places and people. His Judas Bride was inspired by Glencoe, which I discovered if you like, when some bits of my life were a little pear shaped. It’s a place of savage grandeur  and very changeable weather conditions. So I start thinking what kind of people could I pitch into these surroundings, because I also like exploring people, their natures, their quirks, most especially what has made them the way they are.  

Have you had to do some research for your novels? Tell us about the process.

I write Historical Romance, which isn’t Historical Fiction—that really does require a lot of research and a full vocation of an era.  I set one in Genoa, which I have never visited but I have visited a lot of Med places, so I tried to bring that into the story, in terms of smells, weather etc. Also I wanted the hero of that book to be a privateer but the golden age of piracy had passed and anyway I really didn’t want him to be that kind of cutlass waver. So I did some skecking and discovered the War of 1812 which fitted well with the story as these men were hunted down afterwards and that’s what’s happened to him. 

His Judas Bride was set in a fictional Glencoe. I think I know that place pretty well! Still, I like to check details and facts. I read this book set in William Wallace’s Scotland the other week and it kept on about Vicar so and so. It’s a small thing but it jerked me out the story every time. Vicar as a title is an English ‘invention’ if you like. Priests were not called vicars at that time. The word has never been used as a title in Scotland. Lol, get off the soap box now! 

 What’s your favorite part about writing? Least favorite? 

Lol, writing the end probably is my fav. My least is getting the first line. Seriously that ist rue but I do love creating characters and trying to breathe live into them. 

So far you’ve published two books, The Unraveling of Lady Fury and His Judas Bride. What can you tell us about them?

Apart from the fact they have hot heroes? Well, they are both historical romances but very different.  Lady Fury is about a woman needing to provide an heir to secure certain things. She has this wonderful plan, since her husband can’t do it, but unfortunately her former lover turns up and blackmails her into accepting him, so she sets some rules on how this going to be. His Judas Bride is a Highland Romance.  It’s darker. It’s about a woman and a man who have forgotten they are these things but boy do they get reminded on page one and of course, they can’t afford to be.   As one reviewer said, ‘Bring the two of them together and the result is explosive.’ This is a how far would you go to save the thing you love most scenario and how that thing may change....

In 3 to 5 words, why are we going to love either of those books?  

Hot-Scots. Smexy sea captains.
Ruthless hot men formidable heroines. 

What are you currently working on? 

I have just started something new that is part of a series. Another historical, set in London this time. 

September interrogation…

- A book recommendation for September

I’m going to be honest with you here, I really do like the look of The Lost Mercenary by your good self. 

- A kiss under the rain or in the sun? 

Hmm… Well the sun is hot isn’t it…

- it’s a chilly Friday night, you are…
 Curled up in front of the log fire with a glass of wine….

- The song that pops into your head at random times 
  Just one? I got a whole chart. 

- A word you can’t live without
I’ll keep this polite… Freak. Sure you can get the one I really mean. 

-    Share an anecdote with us
  Lol, well here’s a literary one about the time we visited Wordsworth’s Cottage no less  and there was his ancient chair all roped off so no-one would sit in it. Anyway that was the idea of it but they didn’t reckon with my two year old daughter scooting under the rope and plonking herself down. Not only not getting out of it either when told, digging her little start-rights in and  telling the guided tour party it was ‘oor chair;- what she called herself, so ‘ooh could sit in it.’   Not wanting ooh to sit in it I grabbed ooh.  But then she started going  ’booby, booby, booby, that lady’s got boobies’  which there was no denying the tour guide did. So, deciding to forego the rest of the guided tour, I opened and stepped through a door. So, bored booby-less by this time, did most of the tour party. Only the door led into a walled garden, which  the only door out of it was…you’ve guessed it. So we all just had to troop back in and stand looking  attentive. Me most of all. 

Rule One: There will be no kissing
Rule two: You will be fully clothed at all times…

Widowed Lady Fury Shelton hasn’t lost everything—yet. As long as she produces the heir to the Beaumont dukedom, she just might be able to keep her position. And her secrets. But when the callously irresistible Captain James “Flint” Blackmoore sails back into her life, Lady Fury panics. She must find a way to protect herself—and her future—from the man she’d rather see rotting in hell than sleeping in her bed. If she must bed him to keep her secrets, so be it. But she doesn’t have to like it. A set of firm rules for the bedroom will ensure that nothing goes awry. Because above all else, she must stop herself from wanting the one thing that Flint can never give her. His heart.
Ex-privateer Flint Blackmoore has never been good at following the rules. Now, once again embroiled in a situation with the aptly named Lady Fury, he has no idea why he doesn’t simply do the wise thing and walk away. He knows he’s playing with fire, and that getting involved with her again is more dangerous than anything on the high seas. But he can’t understand why she’s so determined to hate him. He isn’t sure if the secret she keeps will make things harder—or easier—for him, but as the battle in the bedroom heats up, he knows at least one thing. Those silly rules of hers will have to go…

To love…….

To save her son, there is nothing she won’t do. To save his people, neither will he. Dire circumstances force Kara McGurkie to forget she’s a woman. Dire circumstances force her to swear to love and honor, to help destroy a clan in order to get back the life she lost.  But when dire circumstances force her to seduce her fiancé’s brother on the eve of the wedding, will the dark secrets she holds and the things she wants most, be enough to save her and them, from his powerful allure, especially when she knows he may just be playing with her.

Honor….And betray.

 Callm McDunnagh, the Black Wolf of Lochalpin, ruthlessly guards heart and glen from dangerous intruders. But from the moment he first sees Kara he knows he must possess her, even though he also knows that surrendering to his desire may prove the most dangerous risk of all.

She has nothing left to fear except love..

Now no problem becomes big problem as passion and desire rage out of control. Kara must look into the soul she thought she sold to make a choice. But can she look deep enough? Only she can decide who and what passion can save, or destroy, how when and who will finally learn the truth of the words… Till death do us part.

Shehanne Moore writes gritty, witty, historical romance, set wherever takes her fancy. What hasn’t she worked at while pursuing her dream of becoming a published author? Shehanne still lives in Scotland,  with her husband Mr Shey. She has two daughters. When not writing intriguing historical romance, where goals and desires of sassy, unconventional heroines and ruthless men, mean worlds collide, she plays the odd musical instrument and loves what in any other country, would not be defined, as hill-walking.

Lady Fury's Blog:


  1. Oh loved hanging with you my weird doodling buddy. You have a fabulous site here. Very doodlish. Thanks for inviting me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. It has been a pleasure to have you my friend! You're welcome back anytime! *hugs* XOXO


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