Happy Tuesday, lovelies! Our first guest this month is Seth, from Jacey Holbrand's novel, Breeding Seth. Let's give them a warm welcome!

OMG, I’m
sorry but well, after reading the premises to your story, Seth, that’s the
first thing that popped into my head and I’m sure the readers are also flipping
out. How did you feel when you first got the news that you were pregnant?
- I was stunned. Absolutely stunned. I was glad the diagnosis wasn’t something truly dire, but, damn.
How did
this happen, Seth? I mean… well… how? Was it painful?
- Well, since I don’t want to put out any spoilers, you’ll have to
read my story to know how it happened, but when it did happen it wasn’t
painful. Just scary. The true pain was when the baby wanted to come.
How has
being pregnant affected your health, Seth?
- It made me gain weight and put a stress on my body, not to
mention the mood swings…and the cravings.
How did
this affect your relationship with Evan?
- It put a strain on our relationship. Not knowing what was going
on with me frustrated the both of us and we took out our fears and irritation
on each other.
By the
way, tell us, how did you guys meet in the first place?
- We first met when I was younger and he dated my uncle. Then we
met again when I started working at The Agency and he became my mentor-trainer.
Have you
guys gone shopping for baby thing?
- Evan did a lot of shopping while I was in the hospital after my
C-section. He set up a nursery and everything. Since then, we’ve gone out an
bought things as we discover we need them.
in this blog we invite readers and visitors to dream… what’s your dream, Seth?
- One of my dreams is to find out why I was a target and if
there’s some kind of conspiracy going. Another is to live happily ever after
with my family.
January oh January
Best cure for the cold weather
- Visit a tropical location
Best cure for nausea
- Ginger ale and crackers
Favorite warm drink
- A large mug of coffee
A book for this month
- My Alien Boyfriend by Elizabeth Monvey
If we looked under your bed right now, we’d find…
- A herd of dust bunnies
The Agency, 2
Evan Zenas and Seth Trivos had a
tumultuous start to their relationship which has finally mellowed out. But now,
something is wrong with Seth. Concerned for his health, Evan convinces his
boyfriend, Seth, to see the doctor, and the prognosis is alarming.
Seth is pregnant.
The mystery is how.
Not only is their relationship at stake due to the life altering news so is Seth's life.
Be warned: m/m sex, anal sex,
mpreg, public exhibition
Available at:
About Jacey
Jacey Holbrand believes love comes in all forms and should
be celebrated. She’s committed to her muse and writing so she can share those
kinds of stories with readers.
Hot days. Sexy nights. Come play in her world.
Jacey loves to hear from readers! eMail her: JaceyHolbrand@gmail.com
Author Links
Website – http://jaceyholbrand.wordpress.com
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JaceyHolbrand
Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/JaceyHolbrand/
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/Jacey_Holbrand
Book 1 in the series is The
Encounter. Buy it at http://www.evernightpublishing.com/the-encounter-by-jacey-holbrand/
~~~ Excerpt ~~~
The sheer desolation and beauty of
the area amazed Seth. It’d been years since he’d visited the park, and it was
like he was viewing it for the first time. “Breathtaking, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. What a difference from the
Seth readjusted the straps of the
pack he wore, then bent his head down so he could get the end of the straw in
his mouth and have some water. He hadn’t seen or heard any other hikers out on
this particular trail. The rock outcroppings appeared as if they’d have some
nooks and crannies he and Evan could hide in. He glanced at Evan to gauge his
He loved the way Evan stood in his
sport t-shirt and hiking shorts, legs apart and with a straight back but still
having a relaxed air about him in the way only an ex-military dude could have.
The thought of Evan’s sturdy body holding and supporting his while they took
each other up against the rocks in the heat of the day, the sun beating on their
bare bodies, sent his heart fluttering like he was an inexperienced teen. The
hyperawareness of the situation and his feelings for his boyfriend shot another
bolt of lightning heat straight to his cock.
No time like the present to
his first present of the trip. “Hey, Zen.”
Evan looked his way. “Yeah?”
Seth sidled up to him and put his
mouth next to his ear. “What say we go find a private little spot beyond these
rocks here and have a bit of fun in the sun?” He nipped Evan’s earlobe.
“Out here? Maybe it would be
better if we waited until we got back to the tent and after the sun sets?”
He put an arm around Evan. “Come
on, Zen. Where’s your sense of adventure? Besides, it’s my birthday. You did
say my wish would be your command.”
Evan slipped an arm around him and
kissed Seth’s temple. “You’re right. I did. Come on. Let’s go see if we can
find a nice area off the beaten path.”
Leading the way, Evan held onto
Seth’s hand. Excitement curled through Seth. Finally, after years of
fantasizing about true outdoor sex—he didn’t count his vehicular, tent, or
screened-in porch escapades—he was about to make it come true.
Several yards off the trail, after
checking a handful of places, Evan stopped. “What do you think of right here?”
Seth looked around. They stood in a
nice sized niche in the rocks. There was even a ledge that appeared to be the
right height to sit on. “I think this will work out quite well.” He removed the
backpack that doubled as a hydration pack and then pulled his sport t-shirt
over his head. The warm sun felt good on his skin. He stepped up to Evan and
rubbed his arms. “All I’ve been able to think about today is you and me getting
busy in nature. My cock in your mouth and in your ass.” Seth kissed Evan’s
forehead, followed by his cheek, and left his face close to Evan’s. “Kiss me,
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