Thursday, July 10, 2014

#TNTConfidential Author Interview with Sallyanne Rogers ( @dswsallyanne ) & Spring in my Step

It's that time of the week again! You know it! Visitor time! Today I've interviewed another new to me author. Yay! I promise, I haven't been too evil, but judge for yourselves. Give SallyAnne Rogers and her latest reléase, Spring in my Step, a warm welcome!

  When Cath meets Robbie for the first time, she decides to hold back on telling him she’s a Morris dancer who’s about to be featured in a TV programme about contemporary British culture. She’s not expecting more than a one-night stand in the first place, so there’s no need to complicate things.
However, what started out as a bit of fun looks like it could turn into something more, as the two of them find their mutual attraction too strong to resist.The documentary crew are on the hunt for juicy controversies in the run up to the May Day festival at Waterleigh Bridge, and it seems that Robbie has a secret of his own. If he and Cath find out the truth about one another, will it bring them closer or tear them apart?
Available at: Xcite Books
Welcome SallyAnne to In A Dream Beyond and to #TNTConfidential. What happens here, stays here, so tell me, what is your dream?

I suppose I have quite a few. Obviously I dream of a bright happy future for my offspring and family and friends – and for me. Other than that I suppose I want to write something that actually changes the world, or changes the way people see the world, at least in some small way.


Since it’s your first visit, I must ask: When did you start writing and why?

I’ve been writing since I was a kid. Poetry, stories, novels… As an adult I got some stuff published in magazines and did less fiction, but I never really gave up on it. Despite all the times I announced I was going to. It was just something I do, it still is. My head is always full of stories and bits of stories, and arguments and stuff like that.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I would say a bit of both. When I was a teenager I would start with some sort of basic concept and just dive in. These days I’m more inclined to write outlines, at least for anything longer than about 5000 words.

What’s your writing space like?

I just tidied up the room I call my office, because a friend was due to come over and sort out one of the computers. Generally I’m surrounded by mess, because I am very lazy and easily distracted – not the domestic type at all.


Now, tell us about your latest release?

Spring In My Step is a novel about Morris dancers, which at least works as an attention-grabbing concept. It’s a hobby of mine, and it’s always annoyed me that a lot of people think it’s a bit of a joke, so I thought: if anyone can write a novel that shows how sexy it actually is (at least some of the time) that would be me, so I went for it.

What was your greatest challenge when it came to writing this novel?

I suppose it was getting the balance right. That was the thing I worried about. When you’re writing about something like a sport or a profession or a place that a lot of readers are going to be unfamiliar with, you have to describe it in enough detail that they understand what’s going on, but not so much that you bore them.

Tell us something about this novel that doesn’t appear on the blurb or the excerpt.

Maybe I’d better whisper it in your ear so as not to scare people. <whisperwhisper> There’s a bit of… feminism in it.

Summer Loving…

Summer is here! What’s your best summer memory?

Oh I have loads. I love outdoor gigs and festivals on sunny days: lying on the grass with a pint of something cold and listening to a good band or watching some good dancing; swimming in the sea last July for the first time in years; drinking champagne and playing very bad cricket in a park the other week…

Any recommendations to stave off this heat?

Drink plenty of water and don’t forget your sunscreen. The boiled lobster look is not erotic.

For women (or for yourself): bikini, trikini, full body bathing suit, other?

I’m more of a one-piece swimsuit with a loose lightweight shirt over the top. I am fair skinned and burn really easily.

For men: Board shorts, swim trunks, swim briefs, or string lateral flash thong (picture here)

Baggy shorts that are not too baggy. Please, no budgie-smugglers.

Favorite summer destination?

Anywhere with a beach, or at least a lake or river you can swim in.

Any plans for this summer?

I’m hoping to get to a few folk festivals and sort out book signings there. Otherwise I’m going on a family trip to Scarborough, which is a proper British seaside resort with lots to do whatever the weather’s like.

About Sallyanne:
Sallyanne Rogers has written articles for adult magazines including Forum in the past, and has previously worked on market stalls selling vintage clothes and magazines. This inspired her first novella for Xcite, Midwinter Heat. She has also been a morris dancer for about 15 years.


Contact Her

Her website is and she is on Twitter @dswsallyanne and on Facebook as Sallyanne Rogers (there is more than one person by that name, though)

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