Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Book Spotlight on The Most Eligibile Viscount in London by Ella Quinn #historicalRomance @goddessfish @ellaquinnauthor


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ella Quinn will award a $25 Amazon/iTunes GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In bestselling author Ella Quinn’s intriguing new Regency trilogy, a dashing suitor must decide if love and marriage are mutually exclusive . . .

Viscount Gavin Turley is convinced that love matches cause nothing but trouble. Still, after months of courting, he’s fallen for Miss Georgie Featherton. He’s passionate about her, in fact. But words of love are not an indulgence he will allow himself. When he presents Georgie with his marriage proposal, he will lead with his head—not his heart. His qualifications as a husband are excellent, after all. What could go wrong?

No sooner does Gavin kneel on one knee than Georgie’s heart goes aflutter with joy. Finally, the proposal she longed for had arrived. Yet Gavin seemed to be listing his credentials for a business partnership, not a romantic union. Without a declaration of love, Georgie can only reject his offer—unless the ladies of the ton, and Georgie’s grandmamma, have anything to do with it. For sometimes it takes a wiser eye to see the love behind a guarded heart—and a clever scheme to bring it out of hiding . . .

Read an Excerpt

He climbed the steps to Brooks’s and the door opened.

“Good day, my lord.” One of the footmen bowed.

“Good day, Johns. Have you seen Lord Exeter?”

“Aye, my lord. He’s in the reading room. Just got back from Paris from what I heard and wanted to find out what has been going on here during his absence.” The servant took Gavin’s hat and cane. “Told he me had an excellent time.”

Well he would, wouldn’t he? He’d been on his honeymoon. “Thank you.”

“Pleasure, my lord.”

Gavin walked through the hall and down to the reading room where he found Exeter with a stack of newspapers next to him. “Finally back, I see.”

“Turley!” The man stood, knocking over some of the newssheets. “Well met.” Exeter looked happier than Gavin had ever seen him. His friend grabbed his hand and shook it.

Eying the newssheets, Gavin said, “I see you are making sure you didn’t miss anything that happened when you were gone.”

“Dorie”—his friend’s face took on a happily distracted look at the mention of his wife—“and I ventured away from Paris where there was no news from England to be found. When it was time to depart, rather than returning to Paris we headed straight to Calais and back home.” Exeter grinned. “She had ordered all the newspapers to be delivered to the house and is no doubt going through them as we speak. But I thought I might discover additional information here.” He stared at Gavin for a moment, and his brows drew down. “Is everything all right?”

“I need a brandy.” Or the whole bottle.

“That bad.” Exeter put down the paper he’d been holding. “Let’s go to the dining room. It must be almost time for luncheon.” They went to the corner table their little group had claimed as their own last Season. “What has occurred? Your sister and her family are still well? Nothing has ensued since we saw them last month, has it?”

“There is no need for concern on that front. Elizabeth, Harrington, and their daughter thrive. I received a letter from her that she is expecting their next addition in the spring.” Gavin debated telling his friend what was troubling him and decided he needed advice as well as someone with whom to share a drink. He took a breath. “I offered for Miss Featherton, and she refused me.”

“Really?” Exeter’s eyes widened as if in shock, and his jaw dropped for a second before he recovered himself. “I mean that is unexpected.”

Why was he so astonished? Or perhaps the question should be what had Gavin missed? “I feel as if you know something I do not.”

The man glanced to the side and seemed to focus on something on the far wall. “Yes, er, well. You see. Dorie was certain.” Exeter frowned as if unsure how to continue. “And I too was under the impression Miss Featherton was expecting an offer from you and would be, er, happy to receive it.”

Blast it all. Gavin wanted to kick himself. If only he could have brought himself to lie. Yet that was not an ideal basis upon which to begin a marriage. “That might very well have been the case, but she requires something I am unable to offer.”

About the Author:
USA Today bestselling author Ella Quinn's studies and other jobs have always been on the serious side. Reading historical romances, especially Regencies, were her escape. Eventually her love of historical novels led her to start writing them.

She is married to her wonderful husband of over thirty years. They have a son and two beautiful granddaughters, and a Great Dane. After living in the South Pacific, Central America, North Africa, England and Europe, she and her husband decided to make their dreams come true and are now living on a sailboat. After cruising the Caribbean and North America, she completed a transatlantic crossing from St. Martin to Southern Europe. She's currently living in Germany, happily writing while her husband is back at work, recovering from retirement.

Ella loves when readers connect with her.


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Audiobook narrated by Rachael Beresford

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

It's such a Dichotomy #shifterRomance #PNR #Kink #QuickRead

 Iris is not a usual tiger shifter. Yes, she’s independent, headstrong and dominant, but in the right hands, she’s also submissive and eager to please. The issue has always been finding someone who accepts both sides of her nature and doesn’t try to change her.

Riker and Jared have been mates for almost a decade, but they always knew they were missing a third in their relationship. When they meet Iris, they’re elated. Finally, they’ll be whole. However, they quickly realize the tiger shifter is not what she first seems and bringing the three of them together for good might not be as easy as they initially thought.

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Weekend Writing Warrior from Dichotomy (CLub Lobo II) #comingsoon #PNR #steamyromance


   Happy Sunday, everyone!

Where is the time flying off to? It's been almost a month since I joined WeWriWa, and in my defense, I will say, I have been writing nonstop. I have a release coming up sometime in March and another one in April, plus, Evernight Publishing said yes to Gambit, a story which will be joining their Reluctant Bride anthology in June. 

 Today, I'm going to share a snippet from Dichotomy (Club Lobo II), which is my March release. (Don't have any official date yet, but I've just sent back first round of edits, so it should happen soon).






She wasn’t a romantic at heart. She was a tiger shifter, and by nature they were solitary creatures. Tigers were headstrong, confident, and competitive. She appreciated her independence and the time to herself. When it came to sex, she liked to take the lead, to bring a man to his knees and make him beg for her sex.

She was, however, a rarity. Just as much as she enjoyed topping, she thrived on submission. Tigers were everything but docile, yet, for years she’d fantasized about meeting someone who embraced the other side of her. Someone who would understand her need to both dominate and submit and wouldn’t think less of her for it. Unfortunately, so far, at Club Lobo she had only met submissive men jumping at the opportunity to play with her, but none who would reciprocate. It was fun, but it didn’t fulfill her.


Mallory Brown doesn't go home with strangers, and while she's all for a great spanking, she doesn't do BDSM relationships. Fantasizing is more her speed. And when she catches a glimpse of Master Murphy, fantasies fill her brain.

But Master Murphy has other plans. He enters her life full-steam and won't take no for an answer. While she's compelled to say yes, is she really ready to say goodbye to her world as she knows it to become permanently entwined with His?