Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm back!

Dear readers,

I'm back! After my long absence of more than a month I finally return to you! I wish I could say I've finally obtained my journalism degree but I'm still waiting for three grades (fingers-crossed).  However, the pain of exams is now over!

Besides my dreaded exams and several group projects I have some writing news to share! First of all, this past Thursday the Bigger Briefs Anthology: Reluctant Romance Guys and Girls  was released! You can buy your copy at ARE, or Amazon Uk.

And second, last week I signed a contract with Evernight Publishing for The Mercenary Slave, part II of The Mercenary Tales, which tells the story of Wybert, Conrad's friend in The Mercenary Knight.

That is all for now friends. Stay tuned for upcoming novelties in the blog, contests, giveaways, and more!



  1. Me alegro de que hayas sobrevivido a los exámenes y vuelvas a ser libre ^^. Ahora a escribir, que se te echaba de menos por estos lares.


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