Sunday, April 30, 2017

You’re dying to kiss me.-- #WeekendWritingWarriors and #SexySnippets from Alpha's Sunshine (Owned by the Alpha anthology) #shifters #paranormal #erotic #romance @Evernightpub

Happy Sunday, lovelies!

Today, I'm sharing another snippet, from my story, Alpha's Sunshine, in the Evernight Publishing anthology, Owned by the Alpha, which just released last Tuesday. 

In this snippet, Sisu is trying to convince May that they're mates. Edits have taken place to keep this snippet to guidelines, so sorry for the run-ons!

Enjoy and have a lovely day!

*This snippet has been edited to keep to guidelines.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Yes. I know you feel it, too. I can sense your heartbeat here.” He touched her wrist. “It’s wild, May, just like mine. And your gaze, it keeps drifting to my lips. You’re dying to kiss me.” Sisu took in a
deep breath, his nostrils flared and his pupils dilated. “I can smell your arousal, sunshine.” A growl-like sound came from him. “You want my body pressed to yours, naked, sweaty, my cock within your pussy, pumping hard and bringing you to the highest heights of ecstasy possible.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

More Weekend Writing Warriors? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter
More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

He has never been this challenged.

Sisu doesn’t play games. When he desires something, he goes after it. This time he wants the woman named May. The moment she entered the bar and his wolf got a whiff of her scent, he knew she belonged to him. The problem is she’s scared and holding back secrets. But Sisu never gives up, and this won’t be the exception.

She doesn’t trust anyone, especially shifters.

May is forced to ask shifters for help, but everything goes wrong when Alpha wolf, Sisu, interferes. He claims to be her mate, but she knows that’s impossible. Soulmates don’t exist. Besides, every time he comes near, a strong keening ache grows within her. Surely it is a warning sign for her to step away, not closer. Right? 
Out now! 
 12 NEW Dark Paranormal Romance Stories by USA Today and International Bestselling Evernight Authors!  The Alpha lives for the hunt...Driven by instinct, an Alpha shifter recognizes his fated ...

And more! 

Friday, April 28, 2017

News! New Paranormal anthology OWNED BY THE ALPHA #1click #newrelease #shifters @evernightpub

 Hi Lovelies, I've got some news today! On the one hand, Seamus's Mate, is up for book of the month at the TBR Pile! If you have a moment, please vote! Thank you <3

 Kaila is His. His mate. Forever.
When Seamus discovers Kaila is in danger he sets out to save her. He couldn’t care less that she doesn’t want him there. His objective in life is to love and protect her. Besides, she might refuse to be with him, but her body knows better. With both their lives on the line, she can’t say no to his aid, can she?
On the other hand, Evernight's Publishing latest anthology, OWNED BY THE ALPHA is out now! I'm lucky to be part of this amazing collection of stories

 12 NEW Dark Paranormal Romance Stories by USA Today and International Bestselling Evernight Authors!  The Alpha lives for the hunt...Driven by instinct, an Alpha shifter recognizes his fated ...

He has never been this challenged.

Sisu doesn’t play games. When he desires something, he goes after it. This time he wants the woman named May. The moment she entered the bar and his wolf got a whiff of her scent, he knew she belonged to him. The problem is she’s scared and holding back secrets. But Sisu never gives up, and this won’t be the exception.

She doesn’t trust anyone, especially shifters.

May is forced to ask shifters for help, but everything goes wrong when Alpha wolf, Sisu, interferes. He claims to be her mate, but she knows that’s impossible. Soulmates don’t exist. Besides, every time he comes near, a strong keening ache grows within her. Surely it is a warning sign for her to step away, not closer. Right?

Out now! 

And more! 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Book Spotlight on Barbed Wire Cowboy by Renee Stevens #cowboys #romance #malemale #LGBT @renee_stevens

Buy Now:

After having been kicked off the family ranch by his father, Marc Poulson has made a new home for himself as the foreman of the Double R Ranch. His fellow ranch hands are his family, but he’s still not complete without Casey Morgan, his counterpart at the neighboring Del Rio Ranch. In the middle of a feud with his one-time best friend, Marc struggles to understand why Casey would rather take a swing at him than talk to him. He wants to put the past behind them and rebuild what they once had and make their relationship stronger than ever, but Casey is having none of it.
Casey has his own demons to deal with, and Marc serves as a reminder to things he’d rather forget. Casey can’t see beyond the past and continues to make mistakes that put both him and Marc in harms way. After one close call too many, Casey must decide whether his past is more important than his future, or if he can live with Marc walking out of his life—possibly forever.

“EARTH TO Marc, come in, Marc.” Rick made a show of waving his hand in front of Marc’s face. He waited until he had Marc’s attention. “Did you hear anything I said?”
“Sorry.” Marc glanced at him, but the lure of Casey Morgan was too strong to ignore. He returned his gaze to linger on the blond who had walked through the doors of the bar a moment earlier. “I was distracted.” Half of the bar separated them, but he knew from experience that the chances of avoiding a confrontation were slim to nil.
“Obviously.” Their companion, and coworker, Jason snickered.
“What is it with you and him?” Rick’s gaze danced between the two men. “You two can’t be in the same room together without going for the jugular.”
“It has nothing to do with you.” Marc didn’t want to get into it and was desperate to stop the barrage of questions before they could start. “You concentrate on yourself and let me handle my own problems.”
Marc tracked Casey’s progress through the bar until he sat at a table with two of the hired hands from the Del Rio Ranch. As the foreman for the Del Rio, Casey was the direct counterpart of Marc’s position at the Double R. The owners of the two ranches were close friends, and up until a few months earlier, so were Casey and Marc. It was amazing how one thing could cause friends to become bitter enemies, and it was nothing more than a misunderstanding.
“We lost him again.” Jason needed to wipe the smirk off his face.
“Knock it off.” Marc forced his attention away from Casey and back to Rick and Jason. “What were you asking?”
“Never mind.” Rick shook his head. “Since we have tomorrow off it can wait until Monday. No sense in talking ranch work if we don’t have to.”
“Sounds good to me.” Jason finished off the beer in front of him.
Marc swallowed the last of his own drink and headed toward the bar for the next round. Despite being the sole bar in town, it wasn’t busy, and within a couple of minutes he was turning to head back to his table with three fresh beers. As he turned, his shoulder brushed against a newcomer, and Marc turned to apologize, but the words stuck in his throat when he found himself face-to-face with Casey. If he’d realized Casey had the same idea, he would have stayed in his seat and let one of the other two go.
“Poulson.” Casey’s greeting dripped with hostility.
“Morgan.” Fuck the apology. Marc pushed past him but stopped when Casey mumbled something under his breath. His entire body went stiff, and he struggled to breathe through the anger. He should have ignored it and walked away, but it built inside him until he was seething with every breath he took. “What the hell did you say to me?”
“You heard me.” Casey leaned against the bar and tried to stare him down.
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Marc took a determined step forward. He had a couple of inches on his former friend and wasn’t above trying to intimidate him. Not anymore.
“It’s not bullshit if it’s the truth.” Instead of backing down, Casey straightened up, anger flashing in his eyes.
“I’ve had it with this crap.” Marc clenched his jaw. He’d tried to keep his cool, but if Casey was itching for a fight that bad, Marc was ready and willing to oblige. He ignored the little voice in his head telling him it was a bad idea. Marc plunked the bottles he was holding onto the bar, flexed his hands at his side, and waited. He wouldn’t throw the first punch, but if Casey did, he wouldn’t walk away. “I wasn’t the only one there, and you damn well know it.”
“You may as well have been.” Casey sneered and grabbed the beer the bartender set down. He tried to shoulder his way past, but Marc refused to move.
Marc reached out and grabbed ahold of Casey’s arm to keep him there. “Oh, I don’t know about that. When are you going to admit you liked it?” 
With a wrench of his arm he whirled Casey back around. The bottle clutched in Casey’s grasp slipped free, shattering on the floor, and beer splashed up onto their boots. Their gazes collided, and Marc could see the fury simmering in Casey’s eyes. Determined to use his height advantage, he took a step forward until there were a mere couple of inches separating them, forcing Casey to look up to meet his eyes. When Marc didn’t release his hold on him, Casey knocked his hand away.
“Don’t.” As cliched as it sounded, if looks could kill, Marc would drop dead on the spot. “You have no fucking right to touch me.”
“Like this?” Marc reached out with one hand and shoved Casey’s shoulder.
“Bastard,” Casey replied.
“Point being?” Marc repeated his earlier action, this time putting enough force behind it to cause the infuriating man to stagger into the table behind him.
“Go to hell.” Casey growled and turned toward his table.
“I’ll meet you there.” Marc laughed and moved to grab the beers from the bar. He heard one of the Del Rio hands yell and turned a second too late. Casey’s fist connected with his jaw and sent him stumbling back into the bar.
“Fucker!” Marc launched himself toward Casey and placed a couple of well-aimed blows to Casey’s stomach and ribs. It didn’t bring near the satisfaction he’d expected. Instead, regret trickled through him and was enough to throw off his concentration. Casey didn’t hesitate to take advantage, but Marc managed to deflect the blow with his shoulder. He grunted in pain as the next one connected with his ribs. Thank god Casey hadn’t managed to land a shot to his liver. That would have had him writhing in agony.
Shelving his feelings of remorse to study later, Marc shoved Casey hard enough to send him careening into a nearby chair. Taking advantage of gaining the upper hand, he pressed on and within moments Marc was rolling on the floor with Casey as they each tried to gain domination over the other. Marc managed to land a few more punches, but then someone grabbed his arms and pulled him away. His entire body hurt, but he ignored the pain and struggled to get free.
“Fuckers. Let me go.” The more he fought, the tighter he was held. Despite his attempts, Marc was no match for the men intent on dragging him away. Through the haze of anger he saw two men pull Casey to his feet and resumed his struggles, but there was no freeing himself.
The adrenaline drained out of him, and, as his vision cleared, he recognized the two men holding Casey back as the two hired hands from the Del Rio Ranch. He turned his head to see who had him and met Rick’s gaze. A groan slithered from his throat as he looked on his other side and found Jason regarding him as if he was a snake about to strike.
“You can let me go now.” Marc tried to jerk his arms free.
“Sorry, boss man, can’t do that.” Rick’s grip tightened to the point Marc was sure he’d have bruises. On top of the ones he’d have from Casey.
“You’ll fucking pay for this.” Casey struggled against the two men holding him, blood flowing unimpeded from his nose.
Marc glanced at his hands and winced at the blood coating his split knuckles. With his quarry now out of his reach, he allowed Rick and Jason to lead him toward the exit. He couldn’t believe he’d been goaded into yet another fight. Though, if he was honest, he’d egged Casey on as well. Now he had to figure out how he was going to explain the night’s events to his boss, once word got around, and it would. That should be fun. Rick and Jason almost had him to the door when it opened and revealed the lean body of the sheriff blocking their escape.

Author Bio:
Renee Stevens first started writing in her teens but didn’t get serious about being an author until her mid-twenties. Since then she’s written a number of contemporary stories, as well as delved into the paranormal. When not writing, or spending time in the outdoors, Renee can usually be found working on in her capacity of Admin, Blog Coordinator, and Anthology Coordinator.
Renee resides in Wyoming with her wonderfully supportive husband and a menagerie of four-legged critters. Making the most of the nearly constant negative temperatures and mounds of snow, Renee spends much of the winter months in hibernation with her laptop, the voices in her head keeping her company while her husband works.
When she needs a break from writing, Renee takes to the sewing machine to design, and make, beautiful quilts. When the snow finally disappears, usually around May or June, Renee can be found in the great-outdoors. She spends her time on the mountain, at the lake, and just anywhere that she can do some camping, take some photos, and ride the four-wheelers with her hubby. Once back at home, it’s back to writing.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Taste me -- #midweektease from Alpha's Sunshine (Owned by the Alpha anthology) #shifters #paranormal #erotic #romance @Evernightpub

Happy Hump Day, lovelies!

Today, I'm sharing a snippet from my story, Alpha's Sunshine, from the just released Evernight Publishing anthology, Owned by the Alpha.

Today, I went for a sexy tease between our characters. Enjoy! 

In other news, Seamus's Mate, my last paranormal romance is up for book of the month at the TBR Pile. If you have a moment to vote, I'd be eternally grateful.

Thank you! <3

Grasping her hands with one of his, he held them above her head. The fierce pang began anew, compressing her from within.
She nodded.
“Work with it,” he said “Don’t be afraid. Ignore it and concentrate on me, sunshine.”
May’s head swam. The pain demanded her attention.
“I can’t,” she choked.
Sisu pressed closer. His arousal was evident against her hip. His grip on her wrists tightened. He nibbled her earlobe, eliciting a gasp from her.
“Don’t think about it. Feel instead. The heat of my body. My touch. My hard cock pressing against you.”
Sisu nipped her neck and then suckled the spot. Goosebumps sprouted across her flesh. He stroked her breasts over her t-shirt. Her nipples pebbled into painful tips.
“I need to taste these,” Sisu said, hoarsely.
Darts of desire traveled to her pussy at his words. The crush within her became dull. Lustful fire burned in her veins. She wanted Sisu. Her body yearned for him like it’d never done for any man.
“Taste me,” she whispered.
Sisu didn’t waste any time. He tore her t-shirt from her and unclasped her bra. Her breasts spilled onto his waiting hands. He grasped each nipple with his thumb and forefinger and twisted. May
arched into his touch. Her pussy convulsed. She wanted more.

He has never been this challenged.

Sisu doesn’t play games. When he desires something, he goes after it. This time he wants the woman named May. The moment she entered the bar and his wolf got a whiff of her scent, he knew she belonged to him. The problem is she’s scared and holding back secrets. But Sisu never gives up, and this won’t be the exception.

She doesn’t trust anyone, especially shifters.

May is forced to ask shifters for help, but everything goes wrong when Alpha wolf, Sisu, interferes. He claims to be her mate, but she knows that’s impossible. Soulmates don’t exist. Besides, every time he comes near, a strong keening ache grows within her. Surely it is a warning sign for her to step away, not closer. Right?

Out now!

And more! 

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Book Spotlight on Always by London Saint James #romance #contemporary

 Two Hearts, One Soul Duet: Book One Has Arrived!


Written by London Saint James

Published by LSJ Romance

Genre: M/F Contemporary Romance

Word Count: 100k

Heat Level: 3

 Cover Art by Kellie Dennis - Book Cover by Design

Edited by Red Penn Services


International bestselling author London Saint James’ first installment from Two Hearts, One Soul Duet is the epic tale of abiding love, heart-wrenching loss, and an astonishing bond that will find a way to endure.

Winter Perri never truly understood love until she met Austin Carlyle—the man who would rock her world to its foundations and give her something to believe in. But the night before they were to be married, the fairytale shattered.

Thirteen years later Winter is pulled out of her seclusion only to have a painful past confront her, and when it does, she’s left questioning reality, because the impossible is looking back at her with the face of a destroying angel, and piercing eyes in too familiar shades of blue.


With a start, I turned in the direction of the smooth, male voice I’d heard.
Some guy was standing perfectly still over by the corner booth. His tall, lean body was casually propped up against the wall. His black jeans were worn, his left knee sticking out a hole, and his steel-toed boots untied—the leather tongue of one boot caught in the bottom fray of his jeans.
My gaze moved from his boots, up the length of him, taking in a black leather bomber jacket overtop another black pull-over hooded sweatshirt. Then came the face shadowed beneath the dark hood.
When my eyes found his, my world shifted. I was overcome by something. A pull maybe. Whatever it was, my heart fluttered and raced like I’d dropped a great distance at a fast rate of speed, turning and flipping my stomach.
As if in slow motion, his arm lifted—hand running over the hood—removing it.
One strand of tousled, pitch-black hair fell over the smooth expanse of his forehead bringing my gaze to his dark brows. They arched over long, black lashes which made the color of his eyes pop. And those eyes, for lack of a better word, were amazing. I wasn’t looking into one shade, but differing shades of blue-gray.
I placed my palm over my swirling stomach as my body shook with the immediate urge to touch him—unsure he was real. He was…beautiful.
His jawline was strong, and his chin was dimpled with a cleft. His cheekbones were high and pronounced and the line of his nose was just a very slight bit from a straight line at the bridge. This fact only made this slightest of imperfections a simple perfection. He looked as though he had been carved—chiseled from the hand of an old master.
When the full shape of his lips turned up into a breathtaking smile, I may have gasped. He had the kind of smile that would make angels envious, or if not envious, they’d surely sing in glory at the sight.
With a dip of his head, he ran his fingers through his hair. I wanted to be his fingers so I could touch him, caress his face, and trace my fingertips over his beautifully etched lips.
I think I forgot how to blink.
Was I even breathing?
My mouth went dry and cottony. All I was capable of hearing was the fast beat of my heart pounding hard in my ears until he laughed a low, even, musical tone. “That was impressive. I thought I might need to step in, but you handled yourself well.”
It took me a moment to process his voice and his words. I was still stuck on the planes and angles of his spectacular face. “Um...I’m sorry, what?”
“What you just did. Those obnoxious men. Impressive.”
“O-oh?” I was still a little muddled in my thoughts, though managed, “They’re world-class jerks.”
The small laugh lines at the corners of his sensual mouth made their startling appearance with that devastating grin of his.
I stared, rather oddly for a moment; pretty sure I was still unblinking.
Get a grip. You’re acting like a total idiot.
The strange silence flustered me for an instant. I needed to say something because he was just looking at me.
Oh, my God. He’s really looking. Say something.

Buy the ebook here: Amazon Amazon UK  Amazon CA

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Available in Print & Audiobook Soon!

About the Author:

London Saint James has lived in many places, but never felt 'at home' until she met the real-life man of her dreams and settled down in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. London lives with her husband and their fat cat who thinks he owns them.

As an award-winning, international bestselling author, London is living her childhood dream. She knew all the scribbling she did, that big imagination of hers, and all those clamoring characters running around in her head would pay off someday. 

Twitter: @LSJRomance

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