Monday, August 31, 2020

Book Spotlight on Internship with the Devil by Jaqueline Snowe #Giveaway @goddessfish @jaquelinesnowe


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jaqueline Snowe will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Grace Turner scores the opportunity of a lifetime interning with an Ex-NFL player. But working under Brock Anderson turns out to be the job from hell. The hometown hero turned athletic trainer has a reputation as the best in his field, but his volatile personality makes working with him miserable.

Despite the animosity between them, he’s highly respected in his field and interning under him could mean everything for her career. The long days, longer nights, injuries, and busses filled with smelly athletes are the easy part. The biggest battle is the unwarranted attraction to Brock that she can’t seem to shake.

But as Grace spends more and more time with her brooding boss, she uncovers that his abrasive nature is deep rooted in his grief—something she’s no stranger to.

The glimpses of the man beneath the harsh exterior Brock presents to the world leave Grace conflicted in her feelings for him. As the internship draws to a close, Grace is faced with a choice that could set her future on an entirely new course.

Read an Excerpt

My stomach clenched when I glanced at Brock. His expression. Holy shit. If what I had seen before on him was anger, then this was past that. I went through everything I could’ve done wrong. Did I forget equipment? Sweat broke out on my forehead and my pulse pounded.

He walked toward me, stopping a few feet in front of me and fisted his hand at his side. His nostrils flared, his lip curling up on one side as he barked at me. “Let’s go.”

“Woah, Anderson. What happened?”

“I’ll explain when we get to your room.” He brushed passed me, going straight for the elevator. “Come on.”

I followed him, pillow in my hands and preparing for whatever bomb he was going to drop. But, I knew him well enough to know he was stirring. When he was ready to say it, only then would he say it. It didn’t help the situation when we were squished into the elevator, both of us in the back corner. Our arms touched, all fifteen of us pressed together. I swore Brock’s arm tightened, pulling back from me but there was nowhere to go. Whatever. He was too much head drama.

Up we went. We were on the seventh floor when he marched out, dropping his bags in front of the first door to the right. He turned to me, nose pinched, exhaling way too deeply from an elevator ride.

I’d had enough. “Brock, you’re being really weird. What is going on?”

“Coach misread your name as Grant,” he said, only then opening his eyes to look at me. I waited to hear more, because surely that wasn’t enough to get his panties in a knot. I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow. He exhaled, staring at the door before looking back at me. “The hotel is sold out of rooms.”

“Yeah, it looked packed downstairs.” I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in frustration. “What is the damn problem? Spit it out.”

His eyes widened at my tone, but damn him. He was more dramatic than the old biddies who came into the restaurant and argued over the fifty cents ranch cost. “Well?”

“We’re stuck rooming together.” He said as though informing me someone had died.




About the Author: 
Jaqueline Snowe lives in Arizona where the "dry heat" really isn't that bad. She identifies as a full-blown Gryffindor and prefers drinking coffee all hours of the day. She is the mother to two fur-babies who don’t realize they aren’t humans and a new mom to her adorable son. Her life revolves around balancing her day job in education and her incessant need to write and explore the world with her wonderful baseball-loving husband.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Weekend Writing Warriors from Entwined (Club Lobo) #BDSM #Paranormal #FreeRead

 Happy Sunday, everyone!

Today I'm sharing a snippet from Entwined (Club Lobo), which released on Friday. This is a free read so if you'd like a copy click on any of the links below.





The music beat in the background, dulling the voices of the people in the club and matching the frantic rhythm of Mallory’s heart. She sipped at her soda and half-heard what her friend Diana said. Her mind was elsewhere. Or on someone else, to be more precise. She’d only seen him once. It’d been a glimpse, really, but it’d been more than enough to keep her fantasizing throughout the month. She didn’t know his name or if he’d only been a onetime visitor, but here she was a month later and wishing he’d show up. Unfortunately, he was nowhere in sight. Mallory swallowed her disappointment. It’d been stupid of her to think she’d see him tonight. She didn’t know anything about the guy. Perhaps, he was in a relationship, gay, or not into the same kink she was. There were so many ifs she’d shoved them all aside and focused only on masturbating to her fantasy.

Mallory Brown doesn't go home with strangers, and while she's all for a great spanking, she doesn't do BDSM relationships. Fantasizing is more her speed. And when she catches a glimpse of Master Murphy, fantasies fill her brain.

But Master Murphy has other plans. He enters her life full-steam and won't take no for an answer. While she's compelled to say yes, is she really ready to say goodbye to her world as she knows it to become permanently entwined with His?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Book Spotlight on Ash (The Silk Rope Masters) by Suzy Shearer #BDSM #Romance



The Silk Rope Masters - Book Two

by Suzy Shearer


Heat Rating : Level 4

Word Count: 75,060




They ooze power, control, natural dominance - and sex. They are The Silk Rope Masters.​

None have ever found love but watch out! When they fall, they'll fall fast and hard!

Sophie Laurent, 51, is filling in for her chef brother at Silk Rope when she comes face-to-face with Master Ash. A natural born Dom, Ash (Reyansh) Siddiqi, 53, is club co-owner. A confirmed bachelor, never been in love, never been in a relationship. He takes his pleasures without romantic involvement, and always only at the club.


But when Sophie stepped into the club chef's shoes Ash was caught and he fell hard and fast. He was besotted and acting like a teenager instead of the strong dominant man he was.


Unfortunately for Ash it was obvious Sophie disliked him. His heart broke as he tried to accept her rejection of him.


Ash decides he needs to be the Dom he is – strong and confident, then all he has to do is come up with a way to change her mind before her brother returns and she’s out of his life forever.


Be Warned: BDSM, anal sex, sex toys, voyeurism, flogging, public exhibition



This is an erotic romance. There are explicit sexual descriptions and explicit language used throughout. It will offend some readers.



“I think I’d better meet this beauty who has you all in a tizzy.” Ash left the other two and went wandering around the club. He thought he’d wait until around eleven before introducing himself to Sophie. There wouldn’t be as many demands on her time as most would have already eaten and she would be winding down for the night.

A little after eleven, Ash walked through the back door and into the kitchen. Sophie had just put something in the oven and had stood. Stepping back, she bumped into Ash and let out a scream of surprise as he grabbed her to stop her falling.


“Oh, hell, I’m really sorry. I should have made a noise.”

An armful of stunningly beautiful woman turned her head and glared at him. Those amazing eyes stared directly into his and he caught his breath. He couldn’t take his gaze off her.

She wiped a hand across her forehead. “Merde, you scared me, I didn’t expect anyone in here.”

Ash realized his hands were still full with a thick lush body. With his arms around her, he felt her heart pound from her fright when he’d grabbed her. Now she twisted until he was forced to let her go. He held out a hand. “I’m Ash Siddiqi. Hi.”

“Oh. Sorry about that but you gave me a start. I’m Sophie Laurent,” she replied as she shook his hand, that slight French accent tickling his ear.

There was a look on her face that surprised him. He was used to new people staring at him like they were kind of fearful, but this was something else he couldn’t quite place. Surprise? Dread? Shock?

“How is everything? Jake and Alex tell me your brother is doing well.”

“Yes. He’s fine, although he’s a bit like a bear with a sore head because he can’t get around or do much.”

Calder came in from collecting used dishes in the dining room and nodded hello to Ash. “Evening, Ash. Have a good break?”

Ash nodded as Calder went on, “Chef, do you want me to wash up now or prep for tomorrow?”

“Leave the washing for another fifteen minutes. If you just load up the dishwasher, then we’ll start the prep.”

“Yes, Chef.”

Ash said, “I think I’d better leave you, I only wanted to say hello. If you need anything, just give me a shout.”

“Thank you, Mr. Siddiqi.”

“It’s Ash.”

She merely nodded and turned her back on him. Ash watched as she began sorting ingredients then he left.

The other two are right. She’s stunning! He couldn’t forget the feel of her lush body in his arms. He hadn’t intended to hold her but she would have fallen if he hadn’t. Then his arms had felt plenty of curves and an abundance of padding. And those eyes! Amazing color, a real vivid green surrounded by blue—light to dark on the outer edge. He couldn’t remember ever seeing ones like hers before. Ash went into the club proper and wandered through, but he couldn’t get those eyes out of his mind. She had full lips too—no lipstick, only delicious-looking lips that were a rosy pink color and simply begged to be kissed. Later, he stuck his head into the kitchen to say goodnight, but the place was in darkness and when he glanced at his watch, he saw it was after two in the morning.

Damn, missed her. I’ll catch her tomorrow night.

© Suzy Shearer 2020






Renaissance woman, best-selling and Award winning author Suzy Shearer writes contemporary and paranormal erotic romances filled with mature and interesting characters. Her books always feature older heroes and heroines; ranging from mid 40s to 60s. The heroines are usually confident plus-sized women who are proud of their curves. Suzy feels it's important for readers to connect.

Suzy also wants her readers to understand just because people are older doesn't mean they aren't intriguing, desirable, open to challenges and willing to experiment. They may be older but not always wiser. Remember sexy isn't just for the under 30s.

A Buddhist and artist, Suzy lives in the Lake Macquarie region of NSW, Australia with one very spoilt dog and two equally spoilt cats keeping her company. When Suzy is not writing, she is usually painting - an accomplished watercolour Artist her subjects range from portraits and animals to nudes and landscapes. She is also a quilter, toy maker, sculptor and potter.
Suzy's Art



The Club series

The Club: Bound

The Club 2: Uncollared

The Club 3: Waxed

The Club 4: Displayed

The Club 5: Submit

The Club 6: Unmasked


The Hunters series

A Hunter's Heart - Book 1

A Hunter’s Choice - Book 2

A Hunter’s Challenge - Book 3


Dark Desires series

(each book is a standalone)

Whipped Delights      

Craving Her Master   

Melting Her Dom’s Heart

An Artist’s Kiss

Elephants and Ever-Afters



The Silk Rope Masters series




Single Titles

Daemons Are Forever

Build a Love

Perfect Three

Her Dom’s Secret Past

A Wolf's Tale


Coming Soon

Sweet Things

Blood War