Sunday, November 30, 2014

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors: A Tempest of Passion #MFRomance #Paranormal #historical

Happy Sunday guys!

Apologies if you stopped by earlier and this wasn't up. I thought I had scheduled it but it turns out it was still in "draft" form.

Today, I'm offering another Snippet from A Tempest of Passion. I didn't win Nanowrimo but it gave me that extra push to finish this story. I've already submitted it,so please keep your fingers crossed that it gets accepted.

Hope you enjoy the snippet. Have a great day!


PS: You can read previous snippets of  Tempest of Passion here:
 Week 1 read that here
Week two here.
Week 3 (last Sunday)

PSPS: If you've read Bear Heart and you have a moment, please vote for it. It has been nominated a Best Naughty Fairy Tale in Evernight Reader's Choice Awards. You can vote HERE Thank you!!

*creative editing to keep to the guidelines has probably taken place*
#SexySnippets and #8Sunday Sentences  

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dark and unreadable, they had an air about them that spoke of a man with little joy in his life. Emily shuddered. It mattered little to her that this was the man that had “saved” her last night; it was time for him to leave.
“Mr. Dalton.”
“Ms. Bunsbury.”
They spoke at the same time, both of them stopping short at their impasse. Emily pressed her lips together but William Dalton broke into rich, cheerful gales of laughter. Unexpected warmth rushed over her, making butterflies in her stomach dance to a minuet. Her frown grew deeper.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

More Weekend Writing Warriors? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter


  1. A bit confused in the first sentence 'they had an air' and then 'man' singular? Otherwse there's a haunting mysterious quality in this eight.

    1. Oh, that's because it's talking about his eyes in the first line. Hehe Thanks Charmaine!!

  2. Oh, the excerpt makes much more sense to me now, thanks to Char's question and your answer! I like that he can be so cheerful and I hope some of that genuinely carries over to her - she seems so...sad? I like excerpts that make me think about the characters in such depth!

  3. I'm wondering why it mattered little that he "saved her?" That line is most intriguing! Great 8!

  4. Yes, like Jenna I wonder why it didn't seem to matter that he saved her. Intriguing character already :)

  5. Voted for you, good luck. I'm with the others...why doesn't she care he saved her? Love his lighthearted good nature. : )

  6. Beautifully descriptive! Nicely done (as usual) Elyzabeth!

    I voted. Good luck :-)


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