Saturday, July 9, 2016

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors #paranormal

Happy Sunday, guys!

It's been a bit of a crazy week with the beginning of the new course, as well as some birthday and goodbye celebrations. I'm so glad the weekend has finally arrived so I can rest. What have you guys been up to?

Today, I'm continuing with the story. Last week we left Kaila in front of Sloth's door and describing what she was was seeing. I'm continuing from there. The last line from last week's snippet was:

 She grimaced at the grotesque site.

This snippet has been edited to keep to guidelines.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Women, men and children, were bent and twisted below the workers. She moved closer, her hand flying to her mouth as she realized that they were made up from words. The lines of their bodies, their faces, even their mouths spelled words. Help. Listen to me. I love you. Why are you ignoring me? Work is not everything.  On and on, the words repeated themselves over the bodies that were claiming the workers for attention that never came. They had fallen prisoners to Sloth’s and Greed’s malevolent plan.
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter


  1. Sounds bleak. But I'm sure there's hope somewhere.

  2. Yes, bleak it is But it should improve knowing Rose!

  3. Grotesque indeed! What an amazing imagination you have.

  4. Creepy. Probably why I enjoyed the snippet so much. ;)

  5. Well that's certainly another unique and vivid image! Great snippet....

  6. Wow! Vivid, compelling, and kind of horrifying. Good stuff. :-)

  7. Everything other commenters said, Elyzabeth. I was fascinated by the scene.:-)

    Glad the weekend arrived so you could get some rest. Pretty busy here with work. Never enough time to write!

  8. People made up of words? That's what we do all the time, of course, but to actually see it -- tres cool!

  9. Wow, amazing visual shocker. Metaphorically Andy Worhalish!


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