Saturday, July 11, 2020

Weekend Writing Warriors from Untitled WIP #paranormal #vampire #romance

Happy Sunday, everyone!

I'm on vacation! Which should mean some writing, but to be honest, it hasn't happened much. I've worked on some edits for an upcoming release and been lazy.

Nonetheless, I'm sharing another snippet from my current (still) untitled WIP. I've skipped ahead a bit to when Oliver, our vampire hero, is taken into one of the rooms in the clinic.

Have a great day!



The nurse didn’t respond, silently leading him to a tiny room, barely little more than a broom closet. The space held a medical gurney, a stool, hand sanitizer and tissues.

“Stay here”, the nurse said harshly.

“Of course.”

Oliver sat on the stool and sighed. Long gone were the days where a man could run free. The time when their lives had been swathed in magical appeal. Once, not too long ago, vampires had been creatures of awe. Now, it had all vanished into emptiness. Life was slowly becoming a thrill-less ride. The beauty of watching society grow, change, morph into something more, had vanished. Life had merely become an act of survival. Sure, he had friends, acquaintances, enjoyed the little things, but whenever he came into a clinic, the four walls surrounding him made despair claw at his chest.

Catching the sound of footsteps, Oliver glanced at the door. It opened with a low creak, the cold white light shining on his brunette. His fangs prickled and his flesh tingled, every inch of him aware of her presence.

At least today, luck seemed to be on his side.

Read more awesome Weekend Writing Warriors snippets at 


  1. The idea of this clinic is new and fascinating for me when it comes to vampire stories.

  2. Charmaine Gordon: I love the way you deal with all the important info.

  3. I am so reeled into this tale! Fascinating, reading his thoughts about today's world and how it's all changed. Nice!

    Enjoy your vacation!

  4. I'm sooo intrigued by this snippet! I've created a dozen scenarios already and can't wait to see what you're going to do with your wonderfully depicted hero.

  5. Since it's his fangs that prickled, I have to believe he intends nothing good toward this poor nurse.

  6. His description of how life had become so hundrum really grabbed me and made me feel sorry for him. Great snippet and I can't wait to read more.

  7. Like Veronica, I felt so sorry for him. Depression. I want to know what led to that, how he has sunk so low.

  8. Great peek into his perspective and his views on the current society. Will this nurse bring some excitement in his life?

  9. If she feels the same about him, this will be exciting. Enjoyed the snippet!


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