Wednesday, January 31, 2018

It’s too late— #midweektease from Alpha Protectors 3 #paranormal #romance

Happy Hump day, everyone!

Sorry for the super late post. I thought I’d set it up before hand, but the weekend was a bit chaotic with my cat biting me and having to take a trip to the ER and what not, and I didn’t realize I hadn’t gotten my tease ready. 

NOnetheless, better late than never and here it is. It’s another tease from Alpha Protectors 3, which I continue to work on. 

Last week, you got a glimpse at Eva. Let’s see some more...


She peeked at him through her fingers. The candlelight flickered, throwing her eyes in the light. Their gazes locked. Heat glided through his veins quicker than a waterfall, leaving behind a pleasant tingle. He leaned forward. She dragged her hands downs her face. Sweat clung to her brow. 
“Help me,” she moaned. 
Max tightened his fist around his sword. 
“On my word,” he said. 
He veered toward the succubus prepared to kill her and staggered.

Max gawked at the succubus. The beautiful woman he’d seen earlier was gone. Impaled atop the victim, the she-demon rolled her hips, energetically fucking the man whilst her body transformed. Her nails went first, growing into sharp talons which sunk into the man’s open chest. She threw back her head, laughing manically. A lump grew at the bottom of her spine, and zoomed out, rippling her flesh and lifting inch by inch into hard scaly green bumps. Fangs lengthened past her bottom lip. The succubus licked her jowls as if relishing the conversion.
An inkling of fear slammed into him. It was one thing to fight an Inferum and another very different to battle one on one with a demon who had just fed. 
“Please, you have to stop her.”
Max jumped. Eva grasped the legs of his pants, her bloodied fingers slipping against the material. 
“Don’t let her do it.”
Lowering his sword, Max crouched at her side. Eva’s eyes bulged and her chin trembled, reminding him of a frightened animal. 
“It’s okay, kitten. We just need to get out of here. We’ll slip by her real easy.” He grasped her hand, hoping to reassure her.
“No. You don’t understand.”
Eva sagged. A prickling ache surrounded his heart, pinching it. He’d let her down. He pressed his lips and gently brushed her hair back. An overpowering surge to protect her at all costs and see her smile took hold of him. 
“I’ll take care of it. I promise,” he said. “But you have to tell me what’s going to happen. I’ve never seen this before,” he admitted. His knowledge regarding succubus and incubus, Lust’s most faithful worshipers came solely from books. Max knew they performed rites to the Sin but he’d never seen one. 
The succubus howled and the candlelight sputtered. Max stood and Eva crashed against him in a desperate attempt to flee. 
“It’s too late, too late,” she repeated.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Please vote -- The Beauty of Forever is nominated as Book of the Month @The_TBR_Pile #vampires #mustread

Hi Everyone,

I'm super happy to announce that The Beauty of Forever has been nominated as January Book of the Month at the TBR Pile. If you have a moment, I'd be eternally grateful for your vote. VOTE HERE

You can also read the awesome 5 star review for the book here 

The Beauty of Forever

Once dead, always dead.

Christopher Beaufort works in what could easily be the most cheerful place on earth, Santa’s Christmas Realm, but as a vampire, he is nothing more than a shadow among the living.
Worn out by the demands of his job as Chief Toy Officer, Santa assigns a human woman to help him, Samantha Kraus. Tantalized by the fiery red-head, Christopher makes it his business to seduce her, but as he does, something within him begins to stir.

Life is a gift in which every moment counts.

When Samantha Kraus accepted the job of assistant manager at Santa’s, she expected elves, fairies and maybe some shifters, but definitely not vampires, and least of all did she imagine her boss would be one of them or that she’d be attracted to him.

Though she tries to remain professional, Samantha finds herself falling for Christopher. But, can a vampire’s heart ever beat again?

Available at:
Evernight Publishing

Sunday, January 28, 2018

You guys should come here --#weekendwritingwarriors #sexysnippets from my WIP Alpha Protectors 3 #paranormal #romance

Happy Sunday, everyone! 
Last week I left you with the phrase "do it." But do what? That's what I'm sharing in this snippet. And, although these snippets are not very romantic or sexy, this is a paranormal romance, but all in due time. ;-) 



*Some creative punctuation has taken place to adjust to guidelines

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Max advanced, to his surprise, the Inferum didn’t retreat. Bending his right knee at a ninety degree angle, he stretched his back leg and used the momentum to impale the creature. The demon grunted. It glanced down at the weapon protruding from its center, then at the man on the cross. A hoarse cackle erupted from its lips tailed by a trickle of blood. With a guttural roar, Max withdrew his blade. The Inferum toppled to the side and seconds later, it vanished.
“What the hell?” Ethan murmured. “I don’t think I’d ever seen an Inferum laugh at the face of death.”

“I don’t think that’s what he was laughing about. You guys should come here.” 
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
More Weekend Writing Warriors? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter
More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

Reine's Salvation

Alpha Protectors, 1

He’s the kind of man her mother warned her to steer clear from...

Mystique is happy with her current life, but for years she's struggled on a path of self-destruction. She knows she shouldn't get involved with the brooding hunk at the bar, but how can she stay away when his sorrowful gaze is so compelling?

Reine has lost everything: his wife, his friends, his ability to fight, and his identity as an Alpha Protector. There's nothing left for him except a world of anger and bitterness. At least, that’s what he believes until he meets an intrepid waitress. 

The attraction between them is immediate, but while Reine can’t let go of his past, Mystique is not willing to return to hers. With darkness constantly closing in, will they find a way to be together? Or, will Reine's behavior destroy their future?

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
All Romance Ebooks
and more!

Seamus's Mate
Alpha Protectors, 2

Kaila is His. His Mate. Forever. 

When Seamus discovers Kaila is in danger he sets out to save her. He couldn’t care less that she doesn’t want him there. His objective in life is to love and protect her. Besides, she might refuse to be with him, but her body knows better. With both their lives on the line, she can’t say no to his aid, can she? 

For years, she has ignored her feelings. 

Kaila’s mission was supposed to be easy: enter the demon’s lair and save her sister. Then, he came along. For close to twenty years she has been fighting against the mating pull. She has avoided Seamus at all costs, but now they’re both trapped in hell and she has nowhere to run, except, maybe, into his arms.

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
and more!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Books Spotlight and Cover Reveal on Down and Dirty #coverReveal #contemporary

Exclusive #CoverReveal Get in, Get Out, Get DOWN AND DIRTY 22 Brand New stories from some of your favorite contemporary romance authors and Romance Rebels Publishing....

Down & Dirty

Get in, get down...and get filthy with these sexy, hardworking, blue-collar heroes who don't mind when things get a little dirty while at work or at play. This collection of 22 brand new stories from USA Today and International Best-Selling authors is full of scorching hot romance tales that will be sure to leave you breathless for more. These men work hard, and play even harder. From cops to mechanics, and miners to brewmasters, they aren't afraid to go all in. At the end of the day, when they find the woman who completes them, they learn that love and life can be just as messy as their day job...and they wouldn't have it any other way. Featuring stories from: Lori King, Maia Dylan, Sarah Marsh, Elena Kincaid, Cecile Tellier, London Saint James, Bella Settara, Rose Nickol, RL Merrill, Ashley Malkin, Lucy Felthouse, Scarlett J. Rose, Sydney Lea, CR Moss, Samantha A. Cole, Danielle James, Ava Campbell, Eva Moore, Kimberlie L. Faye, Sabrina Sol, Nikki Prince, and Mia Hopkins!

Preorder Down & Dirty for just 99 cents!


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Down & Dirty Boxset Cover.jpg

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Eva— #midweektease from Alpha Protectors 3 #paranormal #romance

Happy Hump day, everyone!

Today I'm sharing another tease form my current WIP, book 3 in the Alpha Protectors series. 

If you remember, Max and his colleagues are at Lust's horrible realm. I've skipped ahead to offer you today's snippet. Max has been separated from the other's and is drawn into another room....


Stunned, Max stared after his colleagues, until another push from Killian set him in motion.
Turning his back on the commotion, he walked a few feet down the hall and leaned against the wall. Thankful for the cool stone against his blazing flesh, he shut his eyes and focused on his breathing. Little by little, the sounds around him evaporated. The warrior cries of his brothers in arms dimmed. The screeches of the Inferum and the human’s whose dreams had become nightmares, quieted. All of it became replaced by the soothing swoosh of his lungs filling with oxygen, the steady rhythm of his pulse and the pleasant chime of female laughter.
Max’s eyes snapped open and he immediately moved into a fighter’s stance. Glancing left and right he searched for the source of the sound. The flames on the brackets flickered and danced with the shadows but not a soul was in sight. Goosebumps rose on his flesh.
“No, please.”
A ball of ice hit him in the gut, spreading throughout his limbs. He had to have heard wrong. No one spoke in Lust’s realm, but if they did, it was dirty talk and encouraging words, not a hoarse cry for mercy.
“No, please, stop.”
Max veered around. The spot he’d been leaning on was gone, replaced by a door. He held his breath.
“No, don’t make me. I’m begging you.”
The woman’s voice cracked. The miserable sob which came from within the room tore at him, breaking his soul into a million fragments. Whoever was in there couldn’t be dreaming. They had to be conscious and clearly in distress.
He couldn’t stand out here waiting any longer while an innocent suffered needlessly. Aiming a steady kick at the door, he threw it open and barged inside, sword at the ready.
His stomach revolted. He swallowed hard, in an attempt to keep the contents of his stomach. Taking position in the corner of the room where he could control everything, Max took stock.
Bright blood painted white washed walls. The victim appeared to be a slightly overweight man in his fifties. He lay naked on a king sized mattress in the center of the room and his chest rose and fell rhythmically as if asleep. However, the sheets were stained red and more blood seeped from an open wound in his thorax. His erection rested against his stomach, glistening with juices.
Max swept his gaze around the room, searching for the source of the pleading voice.
A woman emerged from the darkness on the other side of the bed. Max stared. Her pale flesh was flawless. Full, round breasts with dusky nipples made his mouth water. He dipped his gaze, following the trim line of her waist, to her wide hips and firm legs. Her pubis shimmered with sexual dew. Max’s cock twitched. He breathed hard through his nose and forced himself to look at her face. Her full lips quirked into a smile, beckoning him to kiss her and her eyes, a hypnotic blue, invited him to come closer.
“Were you,” he started. He cleared his throat. “Were you crying for help?”
The man on the bed groaned and Max turned to him. He blinked, refocusing his gaze. Heat swept through him, lashing him awake.
“Succubus,” he roared. “What have you done?”
The demon laughed and he recognized the sound from earlier.
“Me?” She flashed him a smile. “That wasn’t me, it was her,” she said pointing to the darkest corner of the room. Max squinted. His jaw dropped. Crouched on the floor, a woman wept. Her dark hair hung around her face, hiding her features from him, but not the drops of blood which clung to her like raindrops to leaves.
“Eva,” the succubus said. “Don’t be rude and greet our guest.”
“No, please.”
Recognizing the voice from earlier, Max’s heart tripled its beat. She needed him.
“Eva,” he said softly.

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