Saturday, May 7, 2016

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors: WIP #shifter #paranormal

Today, and until Beauty in the Beast releases, I'm going to share some snippets from my current WIP.

I hope you enjoy!

Edits have taken place to keep to WeWriWa guidelines. 

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jace cursed under his breath. She'd done it again: disobeyed father and landed herself into a shit load of trouble. They'd told her repeatedly that her new boyfriend was no good. But did she listen? Of course not.  

He shrugged out of his leather jacket and draped it over the handlebars of his custom-made motorbike, Glenda. He'd painted her in black and blood red colors, with good quality leather in all the important places and a motor that rivaled the legendary Harley's. He leaned against the seat, taking a moment to enjoy the sun's warmth on his flesh. Ever since he'd crossed the border into this part of the country, he'd been followed by grey clouds and rain. 
He placed his sunglasses over his head and took in the vivid array of colors.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

On a side note, apologies for not visiting any blogs last weekend, but it was a very difficult weekend for me, as my 14 year old boxer fur baby passed away. Ginger was a loving companion, who's at peace now.


  1. Nice snippet with a vivid use of colors ... but it's really really hard -- no, impossible -- to follow the news of your dog. You have my sympathy, and my dog's, Twiggles.

  2. Sounds like an incredible, well-loved, well-named bike!

    So sorry about your doggie. :-(

  3. well written, my friend and so sorry about your beloved pooch.

  4. Well, he seems to care a lot more about that motorbike than about his sister. Now is he going to get her out of trouble or not?

    Sorry about your dog. :(

  5. So sorry to hear about your fur baby. Having recently lost one myself, I feel your pain. Hope eventually you'll consider a forever home for another in need. Loved the snippet! Sounds like he's headed for trouble to help out his sibling.

  6. Very sorry to hear the sad news :( Sending good thoughts and a hug. Enjoyed the snippet, the motorcycle was fascinating, with all the details.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby :-( Always such a hard time to lose a beloved pet. Loved your snippet.

  8. Oh, hugs and so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. As to the snippet, I'm not so sure the trouble she's in won't be worth it...

  9. So sorry to hear about Ginger. As for the snippet, I loved it. Great introduction to new characters and one hot bike. Best wishes, Elyzabeth!

  10. Sending hugs to you for your fur baby. It sucks that they're with us for such a short time. :-(

  11. So sorry about Ginger. I had a boxer when I was a kid and they are awesome dogs.

    Great snippet -- he loves his motorcycle, but I'm not so sure how he feels about his sister.

  12. I wonder what kind of trouble she's in. Lovely snippet.

    And my deep sympathy on the loss of your dog, Elyzabeth.

  13. Loved the snippet, and I'm so sorry about Ginger. *hugs*

    ~Joyce Scarbrough


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