
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

He was the tempest that would break her. -- #MidWeek Tease: Reine's Salvation (Alpha Protectors) #Alpha #paranormal

Happy Hump Day, lovelies!

I finished Nanowrimo n Sunday. Yay! So I'm slowly, but surely crawling my way through the pile of emails and whatnot's that I had been postponing. Today I'm sharing yet another tease from  Reine's Salvation (Alpha Protectors I).


Reine's Salvation (Alpha Protectors I)

He’s the kind of man her mother warned her to steer clear from...

Mystique is happy with her current life, but for years she's struggled on a path of self-destruction. She knows she shouldn't get involved with the brooding hunk at the bar, but how can she stay away when his sorrowful gaze is so compelling?

Reine has lost everything: his wife, his friends, his ability to fight, and his identity as an Alpha Protector. There's nothing left for him except a world of anger and bitterness. At least, that’s what he believes until he meets an intrepid waitress. 

The attraction between them is immediate, but while Reine can’t let go of his past, Mystique is not willing to return to hers. With darkness constantly closing in, will they find a way to be together? Or, will Reine's behavior destroy their future?

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
All Romance Ebooks
and more!  
In Today's tease we're digging a little into Reine's emotions...

Reine sat on the floor. His eyes burned from the lack of sleep and his head hurt. He covered his face with his hand but didn’t close his eyes. The hammering in his skull increased and he rubbed his temples, hoping it would subside. 


His heart fluttered at the sound of Mystique’s voice.

“Reine, please. You can’t stay in there forever. Open the door.”

He folded his wings behind his back. He couldn’t open the door. Allowing her inside would be like bringing her into his madness. He couldn’t allow that.

“All right. “ He heard her sigh. “I’ll come by later.”

After a second, he heard the sound of her footsteps moving away from the door. Reine let out a long breath of relief. His gaze darted across the room. The television set was on the floor, cracked. Pieces of glass and porcelain coated the living room floor. The shelves, which had held the delicate ornamental objects, lay scattered about and broken. The kitchenette was not much better off. He’d smashed several plates and glasses and wrecked the table. He’d destroyed everything in sight.

He couldn’t let her in. As much as he wanted to see her, hold her, and kiss her again, he knew it was for the best. He stared at the painting which had toppled to the ground during his mad rage. The painter had brought to life the image of a tree atop a hill after a storm. Here and there, Reine could see the gentle caress of the brush stroke used to create the rough bark. The painter had paid close attention to detail and the trunk told its history through crevices and grooves. There, a bird had chipped into it, and there, the hot weather had dried its surface until it wrinkled like a prune. Leaves and branches lay on the ground around it, but the tree still stood proud, its canopy of leaves seeming to sway in the wind and daring the tempest to come again. Every leaf had been carefully designed, appearing to be fresh and young, its texture satiny and its color a dazzling green glimmering from the sunlight peeking from behind the gray clouds.

In a way, Mystique was like that tree. She had been marked by the tribulations of life and yet she was still beautiful and full of life both inside and out. She represented those leaves dancing in the wind after a stormy night. She was the tree marked by time and pain but still strong atop the hill.
But how long could a tree withstand the force of a hurricane? She had resisted once, but no doubt, twice would kill her. Reine glanced at the hole he’d punched in the wall where the painting had hung. He was that whirlwind. He was the harbinger of destruction. He was the tempest that would break her. 


  1. The more I read about him, the more I need to understand what has happened to him to make him such a sad, tortured soul. Well done!

  2. What a great scene. I can feel the man's agony. Well done.

  3. Great analogy. I like the insight it gives us.

  4. What a hard place to be. Great tease, Elyzabeth. :)

  5. I love your descriptions. This is one book I have to read all of. Great tease

  6. Goodness, he really is tortured. Fabulous tease!

  7. This is such a great book!


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