
Sunday, November 27, 2016

He could do nothing... Reine's Salvation (Alpha Protectors) #8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors #paranormal #romance

Happy Sunday, lovelies and Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I'm almost done with Nanowrimo, just another 10,000 words, so as soon as I post this I'm off to speed writing. LOL 

Today's snippet takes place a few lines after last week's snippet. Reine has just seen something in the shadows and reality has come crashing in.

Enjoy the snippet and have a lovely day!

 *This snippet has been edited to keep to guidelines.

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Reine could do nothing. He was no longer a warrior. He was defenseless against the Sins, but the worst was he could do nothing to protect the humans which he was supposed to look after. He wanted to cry. He grasped his beer bottle and finished it in one go. He needed something stronger, something that would make him forget his miserable life. He didn’t need an Inferum in his head to feel mindless anguish. The knowledge that he was maimed for life because of his own foolishness was enough for him.
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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Reine's Salvation (Alpha Protectors I)

He’s the kind of man her mother warned her to steer clear from...

Mystique is happy with her current life, but for years she's struggled on a path of self-destruction. She knows she shouldn't get involved with the brooding hunk at the bar, but how can she stay away when his sorrowful gaze is so compelling?

Reine has lost everything: his wife, his friends, his ability to fight, and his identity as an Alpha Protector. There's nothing left for him except a world of anger and bitterness. At least, that’s what he believes until he meets an intrepid waitress. 

The attraction between them is immediate, but while Reine can’t let go of his past, Mystique is not willing to return to hers. With darkness constantly closing in, will they find a way to be together? Or, will Reine's behavior destroy their future?

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
All Romance Ebooks
and more! 


  1. Oh gosh, so much emotion here. He's really feeling down and out. Excellent snippet!

  2. What a strong, punishing scene, Elyzabeth! Well done!

  3. A man in trouble. You portrayed his suffering so well!

  4. Awesome intensity, Elyzabeth. Excellent job

  5. Awesome intensity, Elyzabeth. Excellent job

  6. I wonder what it's going to take for him get through the devastation to realize he's not helpless? Although it would depend on how he's been maimed, I suspect he can come back from this in one way or another. Great scene!

  7. Love love love tortured heroes ! And you've written him beautifully! Great snippet!

  8. You'll make it to 10K, I know it! And Reine was a fantastic, broody hero. :D

  9. Oh, I feel his anguish. Nicely done, Elyzabeth!

    Get writing now--you can do this!! 10K, here she comes!

    FYI, no snippet for me this week. :-)

  10. Congrats on Nano! I'm sure you'll wrap those last words up.

  11. A lot of angst there, very well done snippet!

  12. This reminds me of an idea I've run into numerous times in my craft reading: Bad decisions make good fiction.

  13. Good luck finishing NaNo. I can feel his anguish and defeatism. It will be good to see him change.

  14. Oh wow. Talk about angsty. I wonder what he did to earn such a punishment.
    BTW I loooove this cover. ;)

  15. I could feel his anguish. Great snippet


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