
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Welcome to the Christmas Realm~ Weekend Writing Warriors Snippet from Weekend Magic #holidayread

Happy Sunday, everyone!

So to start thee year off, my computer has decided to start acting up and it's either repeating random letters or having the letter ""e" not work - not to mention, the charger isn't working properly. Ugh. If I randomly disappear, you will know my computer died.

In any case, today I'm sharing another snippet from Weekend Magic, as I still have one more day of holiday left!


“I guess I should, though the train isn’t magical and really you won’t see any magic until we get closer to the farm. In any case.” He spread his arms. “Welcome to the Christmas Realm, where the myth of Santa becomes a reality.”
Mia’s laughter stopped when she noticed Karnon wasn’t reciprocating.
“You’re serious.”
“I am. This is a magical place and if you’re here it must be because you believe in magic, too.”
“No.” She huffed. “I’m an adult, I stopped believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and all that, ages ago.”

Excerpt From
Weekend Magic
Elyzabeth M. VaLey
This material may be protected by copyright.

Read more awesome Weekend Writing Warriors snippets at 

No-strings-attached sensual fun in an exotic new world? Yes, please!

When Mia Ert gets an invitation to the Annual Christmas Tree Convention which takes place in August, the last thing she expects is for it to be at the North Pole in a place called the Christmas Realm, where every fairy tale creature she thought was mere fantasy is actually real. Convinced it’s a dream, she decides to make the most of it, especially when she meets her guide, Karnon.

Surely, a weekend of passionate lovemaking with a fiery human wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Elk shifter Karnon was only supposed to act as Mia’s guide into the magic of his world for a few hours, but when the sexy human starts to flirt with him, who is he to resist? After all, they told him to make her feel welcome, so he’s going to make sure she gets everything she wants, including a few mind blowing orgasms.

With both of them on the same page, nothing can go wrong. Except, will forty-eight hours be enough to satisfy them both?

Available Now:
Evernight Publishing BookstrandAmazon.ukSmashwords  ~ Nook ~ Kobo
and more


  1. The dialogue is perfect! It reads so natural. I can hear her tone of voice when she tells him she quit believing in all that stuff ages ago.

    Sorry you have computer problems. It's nice to see you again!

  2. collision coming - great setup :)

  3. She's about to be schooled! Is there some sort of Mercury Retrograde going o? My computer has been trying to load an app update for a WEEK (every 15 minutes!) only fail - of course the day after my Microsoft Support expired. And it's not even something I want or use. Sigh..

  4. She must retain a bit of belief in magic - or maybe the wish for it to be true - to get into this situation! Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a fun story. Good luck with the computer issues!

  5. Where do I sign up for this tour? Sounds like fun!


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