
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Book Spotlight on Shower you with Love by E.D. Parr #MMromance #paranormal

Shower You With Love
Words 23,636
E. D. Parr
MM romance, paranormal romance
Evernight Publishing January 2, 2020

Chris Everhart attends his best friend’s weeklong wedding festivities. He meets handsome, enigmatic, Owen, and in a haze of attraction ignores the strangeness surrounding Owen. Convinced he’s falling in love, Chris spends every moment he can with Owen, until on the final day of his best friend’s celebrations he discovers a heartbreaking and shocking truth. He and Owen can never be together.
Traumatized, lonely, Chris can’t settle into another relationship, and then, after two years of wishing he could feel the way he felt for Owen with another man, fate intervenes. He meets gorgeous, gentle Matthew.
Spooked, Chris is about to run from Matthew who reminds him so much of Owen, but Matthew asks Chris to dance with him.
In Matthew’s arms, Chris can’t ignore the feeling of belonging that rushes over him.
Will he take the risk to love again, or continue to yearn for a ghost?

Read a hot teaser

The pretty song playing was thankfully slow. Matthew took Chris into his arms.

Instantly, comfort blanketed Chris. He held Matthew and closed his eyes. It only took seconds before he rested his forehead on Matthew’s. The melody flowed over him. The vague fragrance from Matthew’s cologne, soft, and like summer sea breezes filled his head. He relaxed in the intimacy of being hip to hip with the gorgeous man.

Matthew’s murmur teased gently on his lips. “This is perfect. Thank you.”

Soothed by the physical contact with a man after long months of not dating and keeping his head down with work, Chris let the pleasure guide him. He soaked up the feel of Matthew’s strong shoulders under his palms. He closed his eyes to bask in the sheer masculinity radiating from Matthew. The lure of brushing his lips on Matthew’s in a gentle exploratory kiss tugged at him. Surprised by this reaction after he’d been willing to leave the bar, Chris drew his face a little away from Matthew’s.

Matthew looked into his eyes. “I’m desperate to kiss you.”

Chris’s stomach tightened. He tensed with the sexual need that rippled through his body. He kissed Matthew and lingered against his mouth, merging his lips with Matthew’s in one kiss after another as a delicious feeling of desire and belonging coated him.

Matthew returned the kisses, and murmuring soft sounds, he swept his hand down from Chris’s back to his ass.

Passion rose in Chris, his cock thickened, and he pressed his lower body onto Matthew’s.

The gorgeous man in his arms smiled onto his lips. “I want you. I know you want me. Come home with me.”

Chris burned with longing. He couldn’t resist. “My car’s on the side street. I’ll drive us.”

Copyright E. D. Parr 2020, Evernight Publishing

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About Owen. Notes from E. D. Parr
Owen is a ghost. He’s waited for Chris for around twenty-five years … someone who can see him, see his world—the world his spirit inhabits. Destiny leads Chris to discover Owen. He’s the one able to free Owen’s spirit and set in motion the life magic that will lead Chris to Matthew. Who is Matthew really?
The similarities in the character Matthew and Owen are sprinkled throughout the last half of this love story purposely because Matthew has an uncanny connection to Owen, in fact for those who believe in soulmates, Owen might well be Matthew. You decide.

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