
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tear out his heart - #weekendwritingwarriors #sexysnippets from Max's Desire Alpha Protectors 3 #paranormal #romance

Happy Sunday, lovelies!

I don't know about you, but I've had one hell of a long, exhausting week. The weekend however has been, thus far, as relaxing as possible, considering I've gotten edits for Max's Desire and have been working on those! LOL

Speaking of which, today will be the last snippet I will share of Max's Desire until closer to release date. I've started working on book 4 of the series and would love some feedback on that story.

I've jumped ahead quite a bit and because I'm evil like that I'm going to leave you all on a little cliff hanger :p


xo, xo

*Some creative punctuation has taken place to adjust to guidelines

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“You have seen what a succubus does. You must do the same: fuck him, tear out his heart and offer it to our god.”
“No, no, no,” she whimpered. This had to be another one of her bizarre dreams. She’d wake up crying any moment, but the monsters would be gone.
“This is your last chance, Eva. My patience has worn thin. Do as you are told, or your life will be forfeit.”
“My life or his life? Is that what you’re saying?”
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
More Weekend Writing Warriors? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter
More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter
How can a man love a succubus without literally losing his heart?
Alpha Protector Max almost died during his last mission to Lust’s hellish lair, but the worst torture was his failure to save Eva, a young woman who begged for his help. When he meets her again in Spain, he discovers two things. One, she is his mate. Two, she is also a succubus.
Though Eva has not come into her full power, her love could still be fatal. For how long will he be able to defy her allure?
Pleasure is Eva’s business. Love isn’t.
Although unaware of her true nature, as a luxury escort, she is used to men falling at her feet. Yet, Max doesn't. Though his attraction mirrors hers, the soldier does things differently and she can't help falling for him.
And Eva is terrified by her recurring nightmares. When someone from her past shows up, and the dreams become reality, there is only one thing that can save Max’s heart.

Reine's Salvation

Alpha Protectors, 1

He’s the kind of man her mother warned her to steer clear from...

Mystique is happy with her current life, but for years she's struggled on a path of self-destruction. She knows she shouldn't get involved with the brooding hunk at the bar, but how can she stay away when his sorrowful gaze is so compelling?

Reine has lost everything: his wife, his friends, his ability to fight, and his identity as an Alpha Protector. There's nothing left for him except a world of anger and bitterness. At least, that’s what he believes until he meets an intrepid waitress. 

The attraction between them is immediate, but while Reine can’t let go of his past, Mystique is not willing to return to hers. With darkness constantly closing in, will they find a way to be together? Or, will Reine's behavior destroy their future?

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
All Romance Ebooks
and more!

Seamus's Mate
Alpha Protectors, 2

Kaila is His. His Mate. Forever. 

When Seamus discovers Kaila is in danger he sets out to save her. He couldn’t care less that she doesn’t want him there. His objective in life is to love and protect her. Besides, she might refuse to be with him, but her body knows better. With both their lives on the line, she can’t say no to his aid, can she? 

For years, she has ignored her feelings. 

Kaila’s mission was supposed to be easy: enter the demon’s lair and save her sister. Then, he came along. For close to twenty years she has been fighting against the mating pull. She has avoided Seamus at all costs, but now they’re both trapped in hell and she has nowhere to run, except, maybe, into his arms.

Available at:
Evernight Publishing
and more!


  1. You keep this reader is suspense. What a woman!

  2. Julie Evelyn JoyceMay 27, 2018 at 9:15 AM

    Well, damn! What a way to leave us hanging. Awesome snippet, though. I totally hear you on the exhausting week, and it was a short work week for me. Those always seem longer somehow lol.

  3. What a cliffhanger! A bit naughty leaving us like that, but well written all the same! :)

  4. Wow, what a choice, can't wait to see where there might be a loophole or SOMEthing. Clever place to leave us hanging LOL! Great snippet...

  5. Yikes, doesn't look like there's any easy way out for her!

  6. They don't ask for much, do they? Great snippet, although, yes, that is pretty evil of you to leave us at this point.

  7. This sounds like a horrible dilemma. I hope she finds a way out!

  8. That's quite the decision she has to make. And I don't think it's a dream like she's hoping. I wonder what she'll decide...

  9. Goodness me, what a choice to have to make. Fab snippet :-)

  10. Great snippet, Elyzabeth!! How is she going to choose?

  11. Oh, wow! I would not want to faced with that choice. Awesome snippet.

  12. That is not a choice any woman would want to make! Yikes! How's she going to choose? Will she invent a third option, perhaps? Great cliffhanger!

  13. Wow. Ditto what the others said about her making a decision. Can't wait to see what she does.

  14. Tear out his heart??? What an awful choice with no good options! Great tension in this snippet!


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