
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Castles built on clouds - Break Me #WIP #8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors

Happy Sunday, lovelies!

In today's snippet, I'm continuing to takes pieces from my dark romance, momentarily titled 'Break Me.' I've skipped several lines to reach today's excerpt and a lot of creative editing has happened to keep to the WeWriWa and SexySnippets guidelines. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Have a lovely day!


Cake anyone? :-D

 *This snippet has been edited to keep to guidelines.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Happiness. The word clanged in his head like loud church bells. There was no such thing. Women like his mother, or Marie and now Ayla, equated the world of dance with bliss. There was no such thing. Happiness was an illusion, just like ballet. They were one and the same. Castles built on clouds which were beautiful on the outside but so sensitive that a mere breeze would blow them into nothingness.  The world was bleak, dark, lonely, painful.

Grisha ran his fingers through his hair in a futile attempt to alleviate the growing headache in his temples while the words hammered in his skull harder and harder as they had done for the past year.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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  1. Castles in the clouds... "that a mere breeze would blow them into nothingness. " Lovely line, Elyzabeth!

    He is quite the cynic. :-)

  2. Ah, our daily dose of cynicism, but I'll be he learns better.

  3. He needs a bit of happy, me thinks! Well done!

  4. Happy Birthday, Elyzabeth :-) He sounds like a deliciously tortured hero, my fav!

  5. Happy, happy birthday!!! Love the imagery in your snippet!

  6. First of all Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a great year ahead :) The snippet was intense and I'm really wondering what this character's back story will be!

  7. Love that GIF. Tangled is one of my favourite Disney movies. :D Beautiful snippet by the way, and happy birthday! :D

  8. What a grim (but beautifully written!) view of life. Hope that changes soon (something tells me it will!). Nice scene, Elyzabeth.

  9. Happy Birthday, Elyzabeth. Yes, I will agree with the others that he is very cynical and unhappy. I hope something changes to lift his spirits. Well written snippet.

  10. Happy Birthday!! Fabulous snippet, but I hope things look up soon for him! :)

  11. Happy Birthday, a day late! I hope you had a great day. Beautiful imagery, but what cynicism. Poor guy. I hope he gets his HEA


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