
Saturday, August 27, 2016

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors #paranormal #Guardians #Sins #Sloth

Happy Sunday, guys!

Apologies for not visiting any blogs this past week. Things got a little complicated, and I've been immersed in revising Kaila's and Seamus' story.

The original manuscript was close to 38k and it's now at 33k, so some progress is being made, although slower than I would like.

In any case, in today's snippet, I'm continuing from last week.

Let's recap: In previous posts we saw that Kaila was in front of a Sin's door, staring in horror at the grotesque depictions. She's down there because she needs to access into his lair to save her sister. She was about to go in when she was interrupted by a"Guardian." They've known each other for years and he calls her babe even though she hates it. In the last snippet, he reminded her that the rules state that she can't be there and she cannot go into the Sin's

This snippet has been majorly edited to keep to guidelines.

The last sentence before today's snippet is: “Seamus, let me go. I know you’re a prick but-- “

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .

The mirth in his eyes vanished, replaced by annoyance and he set his lips into a determined thin line she knew too well. He wasn’t going to let her go voluntarily. 
“I’ll hurt you if you don’t let me go,” Kaila warned him.

His laughter echoed in the chamber. It was an empty threat and he knew it.

“You think you can hurt me, baby girl?”
She yelped as he twisted her arm behind her back and drew her into him. Firmly grasping her pony tail, he pulled, throwing her head back and forcing her to look up at him. Her cheeks warmed as arousal slammed into her. His blue eyes softened as if he knew the effect he had on her.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter


  1. Revisions are the writer's black hole. Good luck, Elyzabeth!

    She needs to learn to make only the threats she can carry out. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

  2. Eeek! Sounds like she's definitely not the one doing the hurting!

  3. Whew! Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Nice crisp and sensually charged scene (Fans self). Good job, Elyzabeth!

  4. Well he can get rough in the blink of an eye! Interesting snippet...

  5. Very nice ending. Really turns the thing around--or reveals what's really underneath.

  6. I sympathize with the revisions. I'm currently adding two chapters to my WIP, which is taking forever now that my main character is a female instead of a male

    Anyway, great snippet! He got under her guard, but I hope she can turn it around on him!

  7. These two are going to set the pages alight.
    Best wishes with revisions

  8. Isn't it strange how it is often the bad boys that arouse women. I hope she doesn't become sucked in by his machismo, but I fear she might.

  9. Verrry interesting. Apparently, she likes rough. Curious what's next.

  10. I hope she doesn't let this sidetrack her from the rescue. Has he aroused her before? What's their history? Looking forward to the next installment!

  11. He's not playing fair, is he? Great snippet :-)

  12. Oh-la-la- it seems like it won't go well for her.

  13. Interesting response on both their parts.

  14. He doesn't take no for an answer, it seems. I hope this doesn't lead to a rape scene.


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