
Sunday, January 17, 2016

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors: The Witches' Mischief 5 #fantasy #naughtyfairytales

Happy Sunday!

First week of back to work accomplished. Not only that, but I even managed to finished writing book 5 of The Witches' Mischief series! Woot! Now to review it, write the synopsis and send it off. Gulp.

Last week, if you remember, Morgana was coming to term with her mother's death. I've skipped quite a few lines to come to today's snippet. In it, she's remembering her last task with her mother and how it brought them face to face with a great danger...

I hope you like it!

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Their last task had brought them face to face with the Darkness, Darragh. No one was ever the same after meeting Him. If you were not strong enough, you wouldn't recover. You'd eventually fall prey to the darkness inside you. Despair, madness, solitude. It was what the creature searched for. It was it's goal. Destroy all the good in this world. Destroy happiness, love, compassion.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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  1. I'm keen to know more. Great snippet

  2. Wow,this sounds terrifying. Great snippet!

  3. Oh my, such sinister undertones here. Fab snippet :-)

  4. Uh oh, then I hope I never meet Darragh! Fascinating description....enjoyed the excerpt.

  5. That is a beautiful piece of writing, Elyzabeth. I love stories that deal with our hopelessly human inner darkness. Nice!


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