
Thursday, February 5, 2015

#TNTConfidential Author Spotlight on Cait Jarrod & Mystic Hearts #MF #Romance

I’m excited to be on your blog!
Nothing like a heroine taking charge!

I love Charlene Smith’s journey from submissiveness to taking charge of her life. She figuratively slams her hands on the table and says, “No more.” She’ll no longer allow her ex-husband to control her like he had while they were married. She’ll no longer allow him to use their son as a pawn. Instead of slamming her hand down on a desk or gingerly saying, “No more,” read the excerpt below from Mystic Hearts, Book 2 of The Band of Friends, to find out how Charlene decides she can and will fight.
The venomous tone, at one time, would have had her withering. But not anymore. “Pig!”
Her ex-husband charged toward her, eyes wild, nostrils flaring.
She swung, faking high and going low. The bat connected with his stomach.
“Fuck,” he puffed and clutched his gut. “You’ll pay.” He straightened and snatched the butcher knife from the block on the kitchen counter.
The shiny blade glistened above his head.
It was her or him. She dug deep, seizing strength from all the wrongs Andrew had inflicted on her family, fortifying her with the power for what she needed to do. She raised the bat behind her head and went for the homerun...for her...her mother...and most importantly, her son. She struck his arm. Bones cracked. The knife flew out of his hand. He stumbled backwards, holding his wrist, and fell backwards into the wall. She raised it again, aiming for his head.
The bastard is Henry’s father, her conscience screamed.
At the last second, she pulled back and clobbered him square in the ribs.
Yelping, he collapsed on the floor. “You bitch!”
She lowered her hand, clasping the handle, ready to swing. “Not another word. Get the hell out of my house!”
“I’ll be back!”
She raised the bat. “You asked for it.”
“No!” He held up his good hand and sidestepped.

Mystic Hearts,
The Band of Friends series, Book 2
Editor’s Pick!

Buy on ebook:
                                                           Evernight Publishing

Coming soon to print.

Nothing is as it seems….
Temptation landed at Special Agent Larry Newman’s feet—literally. Charlene Smith captured his heart after he rescued her from terrorists two months ago. A failed relationship and being an abused child have turned him into a loner and workaholic. The scars weigh heavy on him and keep him from pursuing her. So what’s a guy to do when the woman he pines for passes out in front of him while working a case?
Battling psychological wounds from abduction is easier than coming face to face with the sexy FBI agent she’s fantasized about for months. A single mother, avoiding the drama that dating would bring to her son’s life, she allows Larry close only in her dreams. Now, she's second-guessing her decision. Should she have a relationship with this man who makes her feel alive just by being close?

Catch up to Cait:

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Cait’s bio:
From writing ‘every girl’s dream heroes’ to ‘strong, down-to-earth heroines,’ Cait Jarrod twists ‘cliff hanging plots’ and ‘clever, unpredictable sub-plots’. She loves diving into a good book as much as she loves writing one.
Mother of three gorgeous daughters, she’s married to her best friend, hangs out with the WWC, a great group of women, and loves a good glass of wine.

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