
Friday, December 12, 2014

#TNTConfidential 12 Days of Christmas Day 1 #GIVEAWAY: Raven McAllan & A Dom for Christmas #Christmas

And thus it begins! Happy first day of #TNTConfidential 12 Days of Christmas! First author up is the awesome Raven McAllan (psst, it's her birthday today), so let's hear it for Raven!!

What is your favorite thing about the Holidays?

 The family is together, no one is in a rush and we just chill. (often literally, here in Scotland)

What inspired you to write this Christmas story?

 I was inspired to write A Dom for Christmas by someone asking me to write a Regency Christmas story. As they didn’t have Christmas Trees, I needed to think of someway to get a Christmas Decoration into the story. It was great fun…

What's one of your favorite things to do for Christmas?

 One of the things my daughter as I do for Christmas is make dried orange rings for the tree, and for a table decoration. Lemons and limes also work.

We slice an orange in about 1/8th inch slices, and then dry them very slowly. We use the back of the Aga, but an airing cupboard or an oven on the lowest setting would do as well. Once they are dry we thread some of them, interspersed with cinnamon sticks onto ribbon and tie on the tree.
The rest we layer into a bowl with pine cones, holly leaves, and cinnamon sticks. Looks good, smells great.


Christmas is a time for dreams and miracles—or is it Kink? Dreams and reality merge for Angie this season, and life may change forever.

It’s the season to be jolly and to decorate one’s kinky Christmas tree in peace. Instead Angie has to put up with her overbearing ex-boyfriend.
When she falls in the struggle over her beloved Christmas tree angel, Angie wakes up in 1818. Clearly she has hit her head too hard, or she needs to be carted off by the man in the white coats.
The Earl of Camberley’s relief at finding his beloved wife finally awake is only surpassed by his anger at the ruffian who dared to attack her on his door step. His lady-mine seems rather confused and he can only hope that she remembers who he is and what they share in private.
Theirs is not a conventional marriage.
As they work to piece together the mystery surrounding her angel, passion flares and Angie realizes that she loves this regency Dom as much her Dom back home.
Where is home however?

About Raven

Well what can I say?

I'm growing old disgracefully and loving it.

Dh and I live on the edge of a Scottish forest, and rattle around in a house much too big for us. 

Our kids have grown up and flown the nest, but roll back up when they want to take a deep breath and smell the daisies so to speak. 

I write in my study, which overlooks the garden and the lane. I'm often seen procrastinating, by checking out the wild life, looking—only looking—at the ironing basket and assuring tourists that indeed, I'm not the bed and breakfast. That would mean cooking fried eggs without breaking the yolks, and disturbing the dust bunnies as they procreate under the beds. Not to be thought of.
Being able to do what I love, and knowing people get pleasure from my writing is fantastic. Long may it last.

twitter @RavenMcAllan

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Raven, wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, Raven!!! Have a great day!!

    My favorite thing about the holiday season is making cookies and candy for family and friends.

  3. Happy Birthday, Raven :-)

  4. Hi there, Raven! Happy birthday to you! I would love to see a picture of your orange rings on ribbon. That sounds so cool. And the book blurb was really entertaining! PS- what is an Aga? Happy Holidays!

  5. hi all, thanks for commenting. I had a lovely birthday, and A Dom for Christmas came out as well. An Aga is a stove that you never switch off. mine is run by oil,and heats the water as well as cooking food.

  6. Happy birthday! Like the decorations


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