
Sunday, October 19, 2014

#8Sunday #SexySnippets #WeekendWritingWarriors: Arcanus Amator #MFRomance #Paranormal

Happy Sunday, Darlings!
  Oh my goodness what a hectic week! Tons of work and a new release! Yes, yes, a new release! Arcanus Amator  released on Thursday through Evernight Publishing! It's a paranormal romance filled with magic and love. Furthermore, it's an Editor's Pick! *dances* 

Anyhow, due to this exciting news, today I will not share a snippet from my WIP A Tempest of Passion but from Arcanus Amator instead. I hope you like it!

Enjoy and thanks for reading!
XOXO, Elyzabeth

*creative editing to keep to the guidelines has probably taken place*

#SexySnippets and #8Sunday Sentences  

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 The warriors stood in perfect formation, their golden helmets glistening under the early morning sunlight and the tips of their spears glittering dangerously in their grips, warning the enemy to back off. Signaling with his right hand, Amandus rode forward while the Arcánús, Cupid’s most trusted guard, moved to the front of the line. They would be the first to attack. Composed of 12 men, the Arcánús where Cupid’s children, the only ones entrusted to aid the God in his mission to bestow love upon others. Kind and compassionate, the Arcánús could also prove lethal in times of war.  Quickly riding toward the center of the field, Amandus wondered what he would encounter in the witch’s lead official. He was not frightened. The Arcánús were never frightened.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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More Sexy Snippets? Click Here  || Follow them on Facebook and Twitter

As an Arcánús, one of Cupid’s blessed children, Amandus’s mission in life was to aid his father in bestowing love upon others.Unfortunately, when he found his own soul mate he was incapable of making her perceive their connection. Furthermore, she doomed their love forever. Amandus’s only hope is a spell concocted by Cupid: The Arcánús Amator: Spell of the Secret Lovers.

Hailey is desperate for love. She’s so desperate that when she finds a spell on the internet that promises to connect soul mates, she decides she must try it. Convincing her friend Hannah to help her, the girls embark on a one-night craze that will produce life-changing results and bring to life what was thought to be only a myth.


  1. Great world building...and description..."their golden helmets glistening under the early morning sunlight and the tips of their spears glittering dangerously in their grips"

  2. Congrats on your new release, and you've got me all intrigued. LOVE the cover btw. So sexy!

  3. Love the descriptions. You made me visualise the scene so well. And congratulations on your latest book! Love the cover too.

  4. Nice development of the scene and characters. What an adventure that lies ahead! Great snippet!

  5. Wow! What an exciting beginning and you've introduced the characters so well. Success ahead, Elyzabeth.

  6. Congratulations on the book! and I love the premise of Cupid's Warriors. Terrific snippet, can;t wait for more...

  7. Great scene setting. Love this snippet.

  8. Congrats on the release. Interesting snippet, and the blurb sounds fab.


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