
Monday, September 30, 2013

Evernight Publishing Birthday 3 Year Bash!

Celebrate like a ROCK STAR because Evernight Publishing is THREE!

In three short years, Evernight has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to readers like you! Evernight is pulling out all the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY BASH BLOG HOP in your honor!
That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but YOU get the presents…
Prizes include:
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Kindle Paperwhite
Kobo Touch
$100 Evernight and Amazon Gift Certificates
Mega Evernight Swag Pack
Plus, each author on the hop will offer his/her own special prize!
As an author, I’m thrilled to share my stories with you and Evernight helps make my books shine! 
There are many reasons as to why I love Evernight Publishing: fast response time, dedicated team, beautiful covers... but what makes me submit to Evernight time and time again is that I feel at home with them. It sounds like a cliche but Evernight has been like a family to me since my first submission, A Decade of Longing, back in 2011. 

I'm talking about the good kind of family, the ones that follow up on you, answer your questions, give you suggestions and admit to their mistakes. It's the type of family that likes to keep everyone together and to do so creates things such as a FB group for authors and a Reader's group for authors and readers to interact. Babies and moms, Books and authors are pampered and well cared for, and I always had and have the feeling that EP is watching for our best interests.If I didn't I wouldn't have eight books published with them and another one coming in the form of an anthology.

In all the time I've been part of this family there has always been an attitude of the utmost respect, kindness and helpfulness and that is one of the reasons why I love Evernight. *sniff*

Now, before I get even more emotional, let's get to the fun part: prizes!

As a prize I'm offering two $10 Evernight Gift Certificates and one of my bookmarks but to win you must answer the following question: 

What would you like to see in upcoming novels? 

Would like more entries for my prize? Follow me on:

A Decade of Longing (My First EP Book)
Angelica and Alexander fell in love at a young age. Unfortunately, their love is doomed since the beginning. Forcibly separated, Angelica is obligated to marry another man at her father’s convenience while Alexander is prohibited from ever seeking her out again.

Ten years later, however, Alexander is no longer the callow boy he used to be. Now an influential gentleman, he is bent on recovering the only woman he has ever loved. No matter the cost. But has their love withstood the ravages of time?

Available at: 

Discover more of my books:

It’s the perfect time to buy the Evernight titles on your TBR list, as well as new gems you find during the event, because Evernight’s entire backlist is on sale at and through October 7th!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I don't what I'd like to see in upcoming books. Thanks for participating in the hop.

    pjmillion (at) comcast (dot) net

  3. I am never good at answering questions about what I want to see in upcoming books, my reading tastes change so much, I like a variety of genres.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  4. I would love to see more paranormal novels - full length plotted novels with great world building and awesome characters but filled with steaming goodness. Thanks for asking for reader input.

    1. Thank you for answering the question, Michelle! I'm definitely taking note ;-)

  5. I have ready many genre's and I love everything! The one thing I have never read in a book not even sure if it's even out there but shifter/ alien type of romance. Not even sure I would like it but I'm up to read anything once.

    1. Wow, I haven't read any shifter/alien type of romance either. It'd definitely be interesting to read (and write). Thank you for answering the question, Amy! (and for hopping!)

  6. Hmm... some of my favorite things are time travel, ghosts, and historical. I don't need them all in one story, but those always catch my interest. So far I haven't gotten tired of them.

    Congrats on all your success with Evernight. It's wonderful that you're so happy to publish with them. Thanks for being part of the hop and for your giveaway!

    caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

    1. Thank you for commenting, Carolyn! Historical novels are some of my favorites too (both reading and writing them). As for time travel, I'm just getting the taste for them ;-)

  7. Just keep doing what you are doing. I am enjoying your books.

  8. I'm thinking maybe some cops or blue collar guys! Happy Birthday Evernight!

  9. I would love to see more shifter, fallen angel and demon novels! Thanks for joining in on the hop!
    Happy Birthday Evernight!!
    Ashley A

    1. I'm on a shifter roll these days, Ashley and I like your ideas! Especially the bit about demons, there's something so good about those bad boys :p Thanks for hopping!

  10. I would like to see a bad boy or maybe an anti-hero. I have been really into them lately. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Birthday Evernight.

    1. Bad boys and anti hero's definitely have their appeal! Thanks for hopping, Kaylyn! :)

  11. I'd like to see some different shifters, maybe werewolves, bears or big cats.. Like #125 on FB and I follow on twitter w/ @I_LaTanya


    1. Thanks for liking and following Chynarey! I'm working on a different set of shifters, but can't say what they are yet... :p

  12. Happy Birthday Evernight!!!! What I would like to see more of is a strong heroine who is also a alpha in a great paranormal romance.


    1. Strong heroines are the best kind! Thanks for hopping Vida!

  13. my favorite is paranormal erotic romance preferable in a menage.

    tammy ramey

  14. I just added A Decade of Longing to my TBR pile! I love historical romances, especially with a higher heat another historical would be fine with me!

    Eva P.

    1. Yay! Thanks for adding it Eva! I hope you enjoy it when you get around to reading it. And I like historical's too, so there will be more of that for sure ;-)

  15. Ooh, that blurb is intriguing. :) I will have to check it out.
    I love historicals as well as paranormals, so I would like to see more of those. Well, I would like to just see more great stories from great authors! ;)
    Thank you for sharing and the wonderful giveaway!
    Also, a happy birthday to Evernight.
    trb0917 at gmail dot com


I adore comments! Don't be shy and tell me your thoughts.